Example sentences of "[conj] when [pers pn] see " in BNC.

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1 As far as Falstaff is concerned , leaving prose for verse is a true rite de passage for Hal , so that when we see him together with Poins in the sequel speaking prose without Falstaff present ( 2 Henry IV , II.ii. ) we realize that his metamorphosis is not yet complete .
2 When she worried that they might not know when it was lunch time , he explained that when they saw his sister come back from her ride , then they would know .
3 Apprentices were trained to make drawings rapidly , so that when they saw some machinery with which they were unacquainted they could sketch its salient features ; this would correspond to the field sketch of the naturalist .
4 But the thing is though d erm Aldo 's always saying that when they see the girls crying at Wellington they feel really guilty .
5 I know , but what I mean is that when they see the city centre , the people who are walking up and down the city centre , they see all the national charities , they do n't necessarily feel that they 're organised in the same way and therefore that they should be participating , and the whole palaver of getting a licence and applying is actually quite difficult , it 's not a simple , it 's not something , we get numerous telephone calls in the office saying ‘ Well can I go out next Saturday and rattle a tin for such-and-such ’ , and you say ‘ Well , you ca n't ’ , and it 's left much too late , so that people do n't know about the way you get licenses to rattle tins in city centre .
6 Then , for the main course , she chose the steak-and-kidney pie , dripping gravy down her horrible blouse ( it 's the sort of blouse that when you see it in the shop you wonder how the shopkeeper intends to dispose of it because no one in their right mind would ever dream of swapping cash for it ) .
7 The sad thing is that when you see a horse that is frightened of doing things or is nasty , you can often see where its willingness to please and its trust were abused as a youngster .
8 Yes , you said that when I saw you at the station , ha ! ha ! ’
9 I did erm , mention , I think on one of them which was the erm Tim , this is the upstairs , I did actually mention that when I saw it to Roger .
10 So , you 're saying that when I saw the colours change , that was like what happens to the police siren . ’
11 I think I 'd almost convinced myself that when I saw you I 'd be cured .
12 I know that when I see the books of a hitherto-collected writer being grouped in a catalogue in half-dozens and tens , instead of being offered singly , he is on the way out so far as the collecting world counts for anything .
13 Oh I 'll believe that when I see it .
14 It 's just that when I see him I forget all that .
15 ‘ They said we would get an extra hour in October when the clocks go back but I 'll believe that when I see it . ’
16 yeah I well I I did say that I was gon na play badminton then go away and sort out that when I see Ian
17 I 'll tell him that when I see him , yes .
18 For example , one director commented that when he saw a topic referred to a few times then it would ‘ click ’ in his mind , and he would then consider if it could have some significance to his company .
19 Also he says that when he saw you first there were two others with you , dressed as you are dressed .
20 He tells me that the National Front 's ‘ a load of rubbish ’ , that politicians are ‘ a waste of time ’ and that when he sees his nan , … ‘ she 's always on about me getting a job .
21 so that when he sees you the next time , he 'll double check that .
22 She 'd once worried that when she saw him again the old feelings might come back , but she felt nothing .
23 ‘ Yesterday Margrida was saying that when she saw us together at the lunch she felt we shared an affinity , ’ Ashley recalled .
24 Mind you it does look better than when I saw it last .
25 Well , it 's a lot better than when you saw me last time !
26 And when they saw the star , they rejoiced with exceeding great joy .
27 Robin Barton had been asking his dad , Bernard , about setting up a tropical aquarium , and when they saw PFK 's beginners ' series it gave them the final incentive to begin .
28 And when they saw the rash then they were , but , but tt oh , I see , she says .
29 The first was a training pack of twenty units designed for individual boards to use and when they saw fit .
30 But there were five of them there one day in the porch and when they saw me they gathered up their bottles and began to go , except one .
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