Example sentences of "[conj] know [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They did n't ask how they get from a man to a woman not that knows anyway but
2 A faith worn on the sleeve , to be seen and not hidden ; a faith that touches every detail of life ; a faith that knows how and what to celebrate ; a faith that knows how and what to celebrate ; a faith that earthquakes , terrorists , cholera , drought , power cuts , water shortages , poverty and bad housing will never shake .
3 A faith worn on the sleeve , to be seen and not hidden ; a faith that touches every detail of life ; a faith that knows how and what to celebrate ; a faith that knows how and what to celebrate ; a faith that earthquakes , terrorists , cholera , drought , power cuts , water shortages , poverty and bad housing will never shake .
4 Just to know that he was there could bring a smile to the face and to know now that he was n't brought an ineffable sadness to them all .
5 Individuals may feel happier if they have a clearly specified job within the organisation and know exactly where they fit into the workings of the organisation .
6 Thus you can define fill as ‘ chainmail ’ for instance , and know exactly where on your drawing of medieval knights to apply the fill ( it is n't going to go on a flag , is it ? ? )
7 The sparrows alone , with their urchin adaptability , have found their snow legs , and know already that today the street-bottoms are as safe as the air and that they run no danger from dog or bicycle .
8 So while you might well overhear Eeyore sighing to himself , and know therefore that he is n't trying to mislead anyone , it 's much less likely ( though not of course impossible ) that you 'll overhear Rabbit muttering ‘ There 's honey ’ to himself .
9 They exist also , and know better than anyone how contemptible is Labour 's attitude to Northern Ireland .
10 The Huntsville Unit , which is the original prison and is still in use , and known unofficially but universally as The Walls , accommodates close to 1,800 .
11 As regular readers will know , the core to my teaching is one basic thing ; to feel the clubhead through your hands , which in turn means feeling and knowing exactly where the clubhead is throughout the swing .
12 But of course she could n't ; she had to sit there and be polite , supporting him as the next chairman , knowing that was exactly what he was , knowing no one could handle the job better , and knowing too that he was one day going to get around to handling her … superbly .
13 He had read many of the books in the library , and knew exactly where every one was , much better than Mr Crangle .
14 Peters saw their reactions and knew instinctively that he was going to have one hell of a fight on his hands the next day to convince the committee of his vehicle division proposals .
15 Patrick Kelly heard the underlying loneliness in her voice and knew instinctively that they were two of a kind .
16 To this question , the common answer is that he neither quoted the forged additions nor produced them at Rome , because he knew they were forgeries , and knew also that the forgery would be detected at once by a competent critic .
17 Maurice was still sober enough to know that he was drunk , and knew also that the water between the boats was wilder than he had ever seen it .
18 Angel One had realised that Grant was lame in one leg , and knew also that his partly landed kick had further slowed him .
19 She knew she was afraid to play after so long and knew too that if she stayed here she would never play again .
20 He heard the bell go for the High Mass , and knew now that Caterina would n't be coming ; so he left the byre .
21 Then I picked up the lights of Burnham to starboard , and knew roughly where I was .
22 When she stepped from the car he had greeted her with careful formality and his manner had remained stiff and impersonal as they began the ride ; but she sensed a tension in him too and knew intuitively that it was not a lack of interest that kept his gaze averted from her .
23 A few years ago Jo would have been unable to resist a put-down , but the Hollywood brat had grown up and knew how and when to be gracious .
24 Codron had gone up to Cambridge to see the show and knew then that it would be worth bringing to London .
25 How dared he ? she mourned as she sank down on her bed and gasped for breath , and knew then that Naylor Massingham 's low opinion of her would n't hurt anywhere near as much as it did , had she not just realised that she was desperately in love with him !
26 Oh , heavens , she panicked , and knew then that her impersonation would have to be good — Ven Gajdusek was nobody 's fool .
27 Susan explained as well as she could that at present they would n't want any help , whereupon the visitor bristled and announced that she was ‘ Blunt by name , and blunt by nature ’ , and knew better than to push herself in where she was n't wanted !
28 She did not know what the matter was but knew instinctively that this was the right thing to do .
29 So either they knew only the uncontaminated documents , which did nothing to strengthen what they believed to be an already strong case , or they knew the documents in their contaminated form , but knew also that they were forged , and kept quiet about them .
30 John knew when he was being lied to but knew also when he was wasting his time .
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