Example sentences of "[conj] take [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These include , the significance of the inaccuracy ; whether reasonable steps where taken by the data user to check the accuracy of information held and what procedures were followed by the data user once the inaccuracy was brought to light ( DPR Guideline 4 ) .
2 Kenamun 's deadline came and went , but Taheb , with her ease of access to information , heard nothing to suggest that the Medjay captain had been either dismissed or taken off the case .
3 The laughter filled the room , it filled the shop , it even penetrated the wall into the tobacconist 's shop and made Arthur Conway wonder if the three old girls next door had gone barmy or taken to the bottle early in the day , for it was said that they took wine with their dinner .
4 The ORS packets produced in the production units were either placed in storage or taken to the Upazila Health Complexes .
5 If the guarantee or deposit is wholly or partly forfeited , or taken for the payment of fines or costs , you must repay the corresponding amount to us without delay .
6 In the same year an Act was passed declaring that from henceforth the boundaries of all the royal forests should be taken to extend no further than those ‘ commonly reputed , used or taken in the twentieth year of the reign of James I [ 1622–23 ] .
7 Some elements will be unprotected being idea , dictated by considerations of efficiency ( therefore necessarily incidental to idea ) , required by external factors ( scenes a faire doctrine ) , or taken from the public domain .
8 This can then be followed by a semantically ‘ empty ’ verb such as give or take in the passive .
9 In Barrow and Lancaster , for example , neighbours did not bring up orphans , or take in the old , although Bethnal Green residents would apparently adopt children .
10 This is a very special eight day cruise that takes in the best of the Elbe river .
11 " Next week I shall be writing about moorland walks and suggesting an itinerary that takes in the ever-attractive Tower Foin . "
12 My father remembers the whirr and bite of the saw that took off the top of his skull .
13 He made a sweeping gesture with his arm that took in the wilderness of derelict factories beyond the perimeter fence .
14 Creggan looked at her and then , mantling his wings , glared angrily at the world outside the Cages , a glare that took in the Zoo , the Men , the trees , the wind and even the sky , and said loudly , ‘ I can face anything , anything ! ’
15 He reined in his horse and made a gesture with one hand that took in the flat dead wasteland and the strangled trees and the black barrenness .
16 He took one hand off the controls to sweep it out in a large gesture that took in the whole of the City of London .
17 FlyPast had the honour of visiting the very busy 35 Squadron at D F Malan Airport ( Cape Town 's main airport ) and to fly with the general transport element on a formation training sortie that took in the Cape Town coast and the all-dominating vista of Table Mountain .
18 The massed volumes that take up the wall next to the window are evidence of the research I did for my first and second books : one a dual biography of two late Victorian figures , the politician George Wyndham and the poet and political campaigner Wilfred Scawen Blunt ; the other a life of the Edwardian Prime Minister Arthur Balfour .
19 ( ‘ Do you remember that Dracula when your fang got stuck in the girl 's bra ? ’ ; or ‘ I 'll never forget that girl who had hysterics during that human sacrifice ’ ; or ‘ Do you remember that take as the Werewolf when you forgot your line and said ‘ Bow-Wow ’ ? ’
20 Elegant actions that take in the other as if in a warm embrace , polished gestures , considerate words and wit in conversation , the depth of culture and intellect that underlie one 's words and actions — such are the requirements of a true lady . ’
21 But ca n't could n't you perhaps develop then the the er stage door club could do more perhaps more meals and maybe erm have tickets that take in the cost of a meal so you actually .
22 Normally to be seen driving around in a funereal Daimler — dwarfing the island 's other cars ( including the BMW of Premier Sir John Swan ) — the Governor also dons his uniform and takes to the streets in a horse-drawn landau several times a year .
23 A man climbs into a machine and takes to the air and crosses the English Channel .
24 On this trip she hires a 12-gear , 48-foot long vehicle — twice the length of her own — and takes to the highways and interstates of southern California .
25 This beautiful area of West Wales extends from the shores of Carmarthen Bay and takes in the magnificent Towy and Teifi Valleys .
26 He really needs to get to see and take off the stuff that .
27 Sir Jack Brabham says he 's never been so excited about a new motor car and the challenge is to go and take on the best
28 With many aspects of flying , we need to have reached a certain stage or standard to be able to appreciate the problems , or to understand and take in the facts .
29 They took to each new form of transport enthusiastically , motoring across Europe and the States in the twenties and taking to the air in the thirties .
30 Flying was thrilling and romantic and taking to the air was for women of spirit while those who stayed on the ground had feet of clay .
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