Example sentences of "[conj] see [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Sir Frank added that Britain had no ‘ power to do anything other than see if it can influence the French or whichever country it may be .
2 try that see if it 's open .
3 We 'll just check that see if it 's right .
4 And tab tablets sometimes do n't touch that see cos it 's on the nerves .
5 Now my concern is not really with trying to erm get outside people or people in universities to sort of be involved in evaluations necessarily , it 's with helping people within schools to acquire more skills in the area of evaluation , so that schools , whenever they feel it would be useful to them , have got enough professional expertise among their own members to be able to perhaps rather more the quality of their evaluation and to see that it gets put perhaps to rather more purpose .
6 As always when drawing , I stand back from the piece at regular intervals to get an overall feel as to how the drawing is developing , and to see if it is uniform in shade and texture .
7 As always when drawing , I stand back from the piece at regular intervals to get an overall feel as to how the drawing is developing , and to see if it is uniform in shade and texture .
8 I just want to know those three things — the extent of the damage , the location of this ticking noise and to see if it 's possible to remove this atom bomb or whatever , which I 'm convinced in advance is impossible .
9 spends his day blending the malt and seeing that it is despatched correctly .
10 And so when you 're pushing pressing on that squashing it and making it flow into sheets the pulling on it and seeing whether it will stretch or whether it .
11 And seeing as it was my brainchild , would you not say it was possibly the best commercial of all time ?
12 He had gone down to the stable earlier and seen that it was missing , so he went to look for it .
13 ‘ … you 've got to look and see whether it 's a big discharge or a small discharge .
14 I give my leg a nasty bash , but I do n't stop and see if it 's bleeding — I just want to get out .
15 I should go and see if it is all right . ’
16 you could phone up and see if it 's there , yeah .
17 well , like I 'd say I 'd go down to post office , I say no I 'll go with ya , it was raining last Thursday , I said no I 'll go with ya , so I said I 'll wait and see if it 'll , it 'll be fine , but he 's not like that he 's an old , I would n't , well
18 He picks it up and sees that it 's a tiny silver woman , with hair like spun silk and blue eyes like pieces of the sky come down to earth — ;
19 I got the binoculars and saw that it was narrow and straight ; it was smoke from a small fire .
20 Endill climbed to the shelf where he had left the cough mixture and saw that it had gone .
21 I looked at the time and saw that it was a new world record , so I thought that I , too , must have run fast .
22 She glanced at her watch , which was luminous , and saw that it was past teatime .
23 Breeze turned to glance at the man who had just entered the shop , and saw that it was Roger Kenyon .
24 After a long time she looked at her bedside clock and saw that it was past midnight .
25 Meredith followed her line of sight and saw that it rested on an oldish-looking photo .
26 He slipped the catch and saw that it contained an assortment of old prayer books , missals , devotional pamphlets , and a pile of booklets about the history of the church .
27 William looked up at the clock and saw that it was nearing four o'clock .
28 They all looked at the dark square and saw that it was hardly a manhole , more of a childhole .
29 Mrs Crump expressed her gratitude with the eloquence of total silence but with a little look which , as Hope noted and saw that it was noted , signalled that she was pierced to the heart .
30 Any way that was it and you st and you f forked them all round and you after it was er up you was put up to do the tramping round and round and you Every forkful you took it and saw that it was laid down and tramped it round like this , round and round and round and then the next one , till it was up .
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