Example sentences of "[conj] [pn reflx] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In other words , the designer was looking at the effect of the tucking when knitting in one colour , rather than concerning her or himself with the effect when striped .
2 They compel the reader to give something of herself or himself to the text .
3 The schedule designer must for every be putting himself or herself into the respondents ' shoes and trying to imagine what it would be like to be asked this question by a stranger who just turned up a few minutes ago out of the blue .
4 The authorities tend to show that if a test is bodily invasive and/or unpleasant or dangerous then the court will not stay an action until the plaintiff submits him or herself to the test .
5 Under the general law a surety is expected to satisfy himself or herself of the extent of the risk proposed to be undertaken .
6 On the other hand , the Court in terms says that a worker who decides not to transfer deprives him- or herself of the protection of the Directive .
7 This interviewer sees himself or herself as the natural successor to Sir Robin Day .
8 This is not the same as being someone to whom other people often bring their problems ; that does not guarantee the instinctive knowledge of whether something is real or merely a " try-on " , or whether something that is being glosssed over is really something that should be dug out and gone into in depth , or whether the time has come to say and do nothing other than give encouragement to the sufferer to work something out for himself or herself with the assistance of other sufferers in the group .
9 Any reader can , in any case , place himself or herself within the deictic centre by adopting an appropriate psychological distance towards those who lose their lives at war .
10 Under the Finsinger and Vogelsang scheme , the manager is able to capture virtually all the increase in social benefits for him or herself in the form of a bonus in other words the social return is very narrowly distributed .
11 Tough love requires that the family member " lets go " of the primary sufferer and seeks help for himself or herself from the appropriate Family Fellowship , concentrating primarily on his or her own recovery from the addictive urge to fix or control the lives of others .
12 If any British club is interested in ‘ competing ’ against the Austrians , please could they either contact Mr Michael Stifel , CC Kitzbühel , or myself at the Austrian National Tourist Office in London .
13 For this , the person to call on is Mrs Susan Manson of the Natural Resources Unit , ( Tel : 031–469 3848 ) or myself on the above direct line .
14 Please , I 'll pass on the information that you 've received , contact Kevin or myself for the details that are on the leaflets we 've put about .
15 Without such rethinking , he argues , " we shall lose our vision as a people , and , as a great people , surely perish , destroying more than ourselves in the process " .
16 Finite mind within the world also advances dialectically , from undifferentiated consciousness through objective awareness of things other than itself to the act of understanding in which the subject/object dichotomy is overcome .
17 ‘ At least fifty per cent of which is documented historical fact , you claim that yourself at the beginning of the book . ’
18 ‘ We were at Desnogorsk to start the first phase of an 18-month partnership programme between the Smolensk station and ourselves under the TACIS 92 programme ’ , said Arthur .
19 We do most humbly refer our cause and ourselves to the Goodness of your Honor and the Company beseeching you to consider favourably of our unfeigned hindrance beside the great loss of our own stock laid down on these mines .
20 I firmly believe that if we study animals as animals including their struggles with their internal and external environments , we can liberate them and ourselves from the obfuscation of terms such as pain and turn instead to definable values .
21 As they decanted themselves McLeish managed to agree quickly with Teversham that , assuming the identification was confirmed , he would take Francis Morgan and Miss Williams back , leaving Catherine and himself at the site .
22 Mr Farrow is understood locally to have taken the conveyance between the Earl of Carnarvon and himself over the lordship of the manor to mean that he was owner of the common .
23 It could be said that the We/ Us/Our form is rather a mode of self-description when the poet wishes to present his beloved and himself to the world ( as shown by Donne in the Songs and Sonnets ) , and that Shakespeare prefers to keep the relationship on an interpersonal level .
24 He hoped that only one of them would accompany Taheb and himself to the door , and he hoped that person would be Nephthys .
25 In the morning he would take it and himself to the embassy , to beg her to forgive him .
26 The purpose of his journey , which he revealed to the king 's sister , Adela , countess of Blois , was to excommunicate the king , ‘ for the injury which he had done to God and himself for the last two years and more . ’
27 At Dry Drayton near Cambridge he had succeeded his father as patron and incumbent in 1808 , presented his own eldest son Samuel in 1829 , and himself for the second time in 1831 .
28 At the same time , Coleridge 's mother in-law , Mrs Fricker , also seemed on the point of death at the house in Oxford Street , Kingsdown , that he had just found for Sara and himself on the north side of the city .
29 He could remember them discussing it over the ironing and himself on the floor playing with his soldiers behind the sofa and keeping very quiet about it because it was way past his bedtime .
30 She then teaches him to organize his toiletries and himself in the same way as she would in the hospital setting .
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