Example sentences of "[conj] [being] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She had discovered that it was n't a proper job ( as she called it to herself ) since none of them was paid for going there or being on the rota .
2 ‘ I can truthfully say that being with the recent squad has been like being with a family .
3 There is a genuine fear that being on the periphery of Europe will be an obstacle to trading with out partners within the community .
4 We all reckon that being as the prize for lowest weight was a year on the Cambridge Diet he fished without any bait at all on the hook .
5 There are advantages to listening in a face-to-face conversation which communication links such as the telephone and tape recorder do not offer , although being in the presence of the speaker is not an absolute prerequisite for ‘ effective listening ’ .
6 There 's nothing worse than being on the beach half way through a game when the batteries pack up . ’
7 But I guess , one is usually kinda suffering from some aborted love affair or association , rather than being at the peak of one .
8 And rather than being at the mercy of the autobiographer 's choice of what to mention , we can ask questions and open up areas of significant memory which would otherwise have been lost .
9 Despite all claims to the contrary , English , rather than being at the core of the humanities , has become " merely one subject among others . "
10 a lot of the people used to come in and they 'd be in in his hotel , boozing rather than being at the pub you know , he says it for me I got a bottle and everything there .
11 onto the thing , so you know , it was like well it 's better than being at the telly .
12 I think it was safer than being among the lorries .
13 It has not been so long since the average chartered or company secretary was something of an eminence grise , rather than being in the front-line .
14 Better than being in the house .
15 One act or speech is as arbitrary as another , being in the wrong car with the wrong man is in no way stranger than being in the wrong country in the wrong job .
16 Anything was better than being in the hotel bedroom .
17 It was worse than being in the CID room with its battered furniture and wire baskets and overcrowded notice boards .
18 Getting up and being at the shop on time is the teenager 's own responsibility and part of the cost to be reckoned with .
19 Several special trains of American frozen meat arrived every week , leaving Southampton at 6 p.m. , arriving at Nine Elms at 10 p.m. , and being at the market by midnight .
20 They were mad about boats and being on the water and some of their techniques are still in use today .
21 ‘ After all , I am the club 's leading Second Division scorer , despite missing games through injury and being on the bench at times . ’
22 I loved the hard work and being with the ten other actors , in the pub , in the cafe , belonging to the group .
23 Sailing mostly single-handed , and being like the rest of twentieth-century man a prisoner of time , I cheated by having an outboard engine to keep me going when the elements did n't help .
24 In those days a mill was sold on the basis of good wind and being near the top of a hill .
25 Poor Philip was particularly bothered by this symptom because he had perfect pitch and being in the music business used to go over music in his mind most of his waking hours .
26 It means grasping opportunities and being in the right place at the right time .
27 And being in the centre means you 're near the shops and the markets — almost a great a free show as the ancient , romantic buildings .
28 Nineteen fifty one , we moved in , er and , I 've had , you 're not the first person to come all round here , this house , they used , they used to come round in shows from the Corporation all visitors used to come , they used to say , right Jean can we bring them round we 've had people from Germany and everywhere and being in the architect 's department I fell for all this you know I had
29 But being outside the pressures of life in the city he has time to think , and to formulate his thoughts on all the issues of the day in the form of letters to the editors of the more influential newspapers .
30 ‘ London is a nice place to visit , but being from the North of England we were n't exactly overflowing with money .
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