Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh adv] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Inside , the stove kept me warm while I cooked or whenever I made a mug of tea which was three or four times a night .
2 Regardless of the circumstances , or how I felt , or how much I needed to tell you that I loved you ? ’
3 It was certainly overt in Dr Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb ( 1964 ) , with its surrealistic emphasis on machinery ( a Coke machine , a wheelchair , telephones , radios , computers , aeroplanes , bombs ) , culminating in the semi-mechanical yet sex-obsessed figure of Dr Strangelove ( Peter Sellers ) himself , whose rebellious mechanical arm keeps rising in a gesture at once phallic and fascist .
4 ‘ But I do n't regret what I did or how I reacted .
5 He does n't care what I say or how I feel — my feelings are meaningless to him — it 's the fact that he 's got me .
6 My brother never says negative things about my body , or how I look .
7 I just find it difficult to be interested in clothes or how I look .
8 or how I liked two sugars in my tea ,
9 God knows where it 's from or why I 've got it , but I have
10 Was it because I was out of reach of the prying eyes of the men in my family and their questions about my comings and goings , and far from my mother 's interrogations about why I slept on my stomach , or why I took so long in the bathroom ?
11 I do not remember now how or why I did so , because despite my infatuation I still sometimes thought Dana was a Franco spy , or from the FBI or the CIA or even the CID or the KGB .
12 Oh he 's from erm Tokyo or wherever I do n't know .
13 ‘ I was thinking that whenever I 've been into a student 's flat there was a different atmosphere … a lot of things pinned up on the walls , for instance posters mostly … ’
14 I know that whenever I 've tried to put paint on any cars that we 've ever had , it 's never looked right has it ?
15 I remember that whenever I had tuppence to spend I used to go there to buy one of the outdated paperbacks from the ‘ Popular Sports Library ’ on sale at half-price .
16 Another thing that sticks in my gut big time is that whenever I mention I 'm a Leeds United fan , peoples first reaction is that ‘ Oh you were so lucky to win the league two years ago ’ .
17 On the subject of home improvements , why is it that whenever I attempt to carry out a simple repair job at home it always seems to cause big problems ?
18 ‘ I feel irritated that whenever I make a suggestion you say ‘ Yes but ’ . ’
19 It is my experience that whenever I try to combine shooting and ferreting I wait a long time for the chance of a shot , then there is something else to be done .
20 My knuckles and hands were a mass of windblown cuts and boils which meant that whenever I clenched my fists the gashes opened .
21 In any case , it 's weird that whenever I say that to Keith , he looks at me with the unmistakably quizzical air of the tall thin intellectual he is , his hair on the blond side of chestnut ( now heavily greying ) ; his fair skin with his rosy cheeks reminding one of Victorian youths with perfect complexions ( or so the novels of Wilkie Collins and the paintings of the Pre-Raphaelites would have us believe ) ; his eyebrows bushy and deliberately unkempt ; his classic tweed suit of the old school , worn with a shamefully Byronic air somewhere between hippy and academic ; his accent public school , as befits his education , although he also speaks a passable Spanish , so we can keep switching languages whenever linguistic difficulties develop .
22 I mean , for instance , in my dreams er cars have taken on a very distinct personal symbolism that has really nothing to do with what you might think , because of personal experiences of mine , and I now know that whenever I dream about cars it always always has this but that 's because of something that happened to me and because of my personal erm kind of experiences , so cars have become a dream symbol .
23 WHY is it that whenever I decide to don salopettes and head off in search of that damned elusive substance — Scottish snow — howling hurricanes decide to renew my acquaintance and pea-soupers that would have done Victorian London proud descend on the mountain ?
24 Despite minor lapses , I began to trust that whenever I wanted cash — whether to pay bills , attend workshops or take trips abroad — it would be available .
25 I find that whenever I notice some sentence in context , I immediately find myself asking what the effect would have been if the context had been slightly different .
26 I thought I 'd like to see how I looked teaching rather than how I thought I looked .
27 D' you think I 'm well off , is that why I live in this flat , on this estate where no one talks to you because they 're afraid and people like you can come bursting in any hour of the day or night because the place is so badly built the locks do n't fit the doors anyway .
28 Although why I let her talk to me into doing such a foolish thing is beyond my comprehension . ’
29 But I am sure that wherever I go I will not be wanted , the same as here . ’
30 I said oh I hope she has n't got another bus so Sharan said I think there is two buses cos whenever I meet mum it 's always a little blue bus and this was a big orange I said well we 'll call at the shop I said and if erm not we 'll have to go home .
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