Example sentences of "[conj] [interj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yay or nay I mean there 's only a possibili , what is the thing you do n't know how to do ?
2 I did n't know if there was lanes going off into town , whe or oh I do n't know .
3 He 's just like Tony , he 'll say alright then get it done , get it sorted out and Tony will say well we ca n't really afford it now or no I 've change me mind now I do n't think , you know
4 I do n't know whether I wants it or no I said .
5 Or no I do n't reckon they 're gon na come there do you ?
6 Yes we 're okay or yes we want some ?
7 Nearly or yes you have .
8 It would be very long-winded if we had always to answer a question like Do you like mangoes ? with a sentence like Yes I like mangoes or Yes I think I like mangoes .
9 It is much quicker , and it means the same , if we say Yes I do or Yes I think so .
10 No , you can make that Oh your doing well by that , that Arf .
11 Oh , she said that oh it does n't matter !
12 But they would tell you all the time that oh I do n't need to advertise
13 Oh great I like that No we 've seen a fo we saw a fox the other night , Christine did n't we ?
14 but he keeps going up to the gnomes and saying hello is that no he come home the other night and the , we , no the other day Sam he tipped all the bloody soil out of the earth and done something else , he said he 's a naughty boy and she 's said to Sam he wants a smacking he said I 'm not smacking him
15 erm and realise that no you do n't sound quite as bad as you think you might .
16 I mean can I just return to what Queenie Warley said about the rents , because basically what she said was the conservative view on council house rents was that yes they had to go up because the Government decreed they had to go up , that they would have put them up earlier so people would have been paying more for longer , and the phasing that they 're suggesting now what she did n't point out is that under the Conservative proposal people would finish up paying even higher rents than they will have to pay this year .
17 I don I should also say that following a very recent decision er in our submission that 's probably right , that my Lord as I say , I say to you with no joy , this really is desperate and er one can not have , in our submission , in the minds of the jury by inadmissible evidence , the suggestion that yes we have been harbouring this man two days before .
18 The second point was that yes you mentioned it but it was n't really arranged , .
19 I I take your point that yes you have submitted er a a proposal as have other parties er to the discussion .
20 So if that thing will shoot off and hit that yes I have .
21 Um if you go back to the eighteenth century , early nineteenth century , you find that um I think it was at er Winchester possibly , er some some of you may have heard of this in in History or something , er there was an uprising at Winchester school and the Army had to be called in to quell the rioting pupils because they were rebelling against the harsh conditions .
22 One does it , one of the things that eh I do n't know whether it does effect you at all Chris but eh , eh Chris , is , is the fact that eh these here foreign lavatories they 've got around the town , now I 'm dead against these for a number of reasons .
23 Because you get that silence in the room and mmm you want to fill it so but you 're right the use of the pause effective and particularly with a variation in pitch that gives that emphasis the two combined together can be very very effective .
24 Tom Jones and oh they 've got a lot of old ones
25 If they went for a drink everybody was calling them scabs and if they went anywhere then , some some had their cars sprayed with paint and oh they had everything done , they were all against them .
26 But your phone and Ian 's yesterday and oh somebody elses ringing all morning long .
27 I mean I had the heating on to start with and oh I thought this is ridiculous .
28 And oh I do n't really know .
29 Oh I do n't know about Neighbours , I know Coronation Street and oh I do n't know I do n't know what it were .
30 Did you listen , erm , and oh you have er City on do n't you in the week ?
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