Example sentences of "[conj] [n mass] came from " in BNC.

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1 Halliwell Sutcliffe wrote at the end of the nineteenth century that folk came from all the surrounding villages to enjoy the swingboats and coconut shys , and to join the dancing on the village green .
2 47% of actuality contributions on all programmes were made by ministers and Opposition front-bench spokespersons and 53% came from the back-benches .
3 Mr Cole said the area was used for horse-riding , was a haven for wildlife and people came from miles around on summer evenings to hear the nightjars .
4 It meant we could have a sophisticated presentation platform literally in the middle of nowhere and people came from miles around for these outdoor meetings .
5 And people came from miles around , did they — well , things are n't quite what they were thirty years ago . ’
6 The Scottish Office allowed them an additional borrowing consent of £750,000 and £370,000 came from their existing financial resources .
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