Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh det] can only " in BNC.

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1 If that were so , there would scarcely be a government in the last 100 years which could be regarded as legitimate , but it is those uses of power and law which seem to betray or which can only be reasonably explained by a contempt for or at least an impatience with the principles of limited government and a belief that the rightness of the policies to be executed excuse or justify the methods whereby they are executed .
2 ‘ But whether , in the ordinary case to which section 5 of the Theft Act 1968 does not apply , goods are to be regarded as belonging to another is a question to which the criminal law offers no answer and which can only be answered by reference to civil law principles .
3 But on top of that one must then look into the future , the future supply of such properties , and the future o er of a whole range of issues which may occur locally and which can only really be decided by the district councils in their local plan work .
4 Moreover , catching up can not explain the slowdown in US productivity which occurred outside the manufacturing sector and which can only partly be explained by the less intense expansion once the excess capacity of the early 1960s had been used up .
5 Her knowledge of Samoa was based upon what a group of adolescent girls thr told her , through an interpreter , and what can only be called , er , chit-chat and gossip that she picked up from missionaries ' wives and people like this .
6 The combination seems to point to some underlying form of ‘ essential history ’ of which each individual provides his variant but which can only be hinted at , not revealed , because when the voices join across time they never quite marry , though their coming together is an attempt to generate something which like a collective emotion is necessarily felt as something more than the experience of the individual , as something dominant and external' .
7 Most iniquitous of all are the notorious ‘ closed ’ shops where everything is sold cheaply but which can only be used by the privileged state bureaucrats .
8 Now that 's the kind of information that is absolutely vital for them to understand , in fact for us — I mean I myself am from the Third World — to understand what the problems are , but which can only be achieved with centres in the developed countries that are prepared to make this into a working programme erm for the benefit of both , because in very many cases improving erm the lot of the Third World on the question of revenue from commodities will also improve their position , or the British or the American , or the European consumer , by eliminating intermediaries and so on and so forth .
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