Example sentences of "[conj] [Wh det] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then , at least seven days before the day fixed for hearing , the plaintiff is to file one copy of a paginated and indexed bundle ( with earliest date on top ) comprising the documents on which either party intends to rely , or which either party wishes to have before the court .
2 They come also from orgasmic enters or whatever such programmes there are go around these days , !
3 Right , because we need land to produce food , more so than we need land to produce cars or tape recorders or whatever that sort of militates against economies of scale , and that 's why we have erm , a large number of relatively small producers in this country and throughout the world .
4 I 'll buy a guide book , go see some stuff , kill a couple of hours while you go plop yourself down somewhere cool and shady and have a beer or whatever this season 's trendy drink is , and then we 'll meet at six o'clock or so , ride back to the palace together , and tell Anna we had an absolutely smashing day . ’
5 ‘ Parliament has deprived the courts of any power of detention of a person of this age or what many people might think was any effective punishment for that grave crime . ’
6 So with our legs and bottoms already aching from the lack of space and the hard seats , we read about the party someone had given in Christ Church , or how well so-and-so was doing at the Ministry of Information , or what little Nicolette had said to her grandmother .
7 It is a form of brainwashing , or what that pioneer in the study of learning processes , Gregory Bateson , called corrective learning , that information-seeking activity whereby a person attempts to ‘ achieve a congruence between ‘ something in his head ’ and the external world … by altering what is in his head ’ — only in this case it is what is in Iago 's head , ‘ If thou dost love me ’ , Othello says to Iago , ‘ Show me thy thought ’ ; earlier he had said that Iago hesitated .
8 Now can you tell me who or what that woman was ? ’
9 The period of the 1940s and the 1950s was to produce what Samuel Beer has referred to as the welfare state and the managed economy , or what some commentators have referred to as the period of the social democratic consensus .
10 Or with regard to the wedding plays , silk satin cotton rags or even if the offspring would be boy lass twins triplets or what these babies were to be rocked in .
11 What we perceive or what another species perceives ?
12 I mean I think that what that article is directing , you know , it 's main thrust towards is the importance of providing support and the importance , I think , of providing an avenue whereby people can deal with those sorts of problems .
13 I think there was a feeling yesterday , certainly it 's it 's our view that what that paragraph in P P G three does is to set the basic ground rules .
14 He returned south , believing that what little resistance remained would soon be mopped up .
15 Given the position of such firms as Motorola at Bathgate do the Government recognise that what such firms really want is infrastructure , and that local authorities should be helped to provide it ?
16 It transpired that what this man really wanted to do was to strangle his mother , a desire which was both socially and morally unacceptable and had therefore to be repressed .
17 Erm , listening both to what Anna and Terry are saying here , I think er myself and and the colleagues in housing are very well aware that what this council does n't have is a pre-developed strategy of social housing .
18 But his shadow , Mr Gerald Kaufman , said : ‘ The fact is that what this Government has adopted is the policy of the three o'clock knock by police . ’
19 Nevertheless , in case I seem to be just er avoiding the question , er I would have to say that this has been asked for before and we have resisted time and again , that 's the history of the matter , on the grounds that what these parents are really asking for is baptism and it 's our opportunity to er , to speak in these terms er and it 's a gold golden opportunity if they actually come to us .
20 To count such comments as these as indicative of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with housework may perhaps be criticized on the grounds that what these women are talking about is not the housework situation , but marriage .
21 Conversely , in many contexts in western ‘ scientific ’ society , it is clear that what some writers have labelled ‘ non-scientific ’ thought is as evident as in non-western societies .
22 The problem with any efficiency drive in government is that what some people regard as a mere means to an end , others regard as an end in itself .
23 I think the question of girls , you know , the is a possibility that there are more girls here from single sex schools is actually very striking because one might say that what those girls are accustomed to is being educated in an empathetic environment .
24 Children tend to believe that those adults around them are all-wise and all-powerful and it follows that whatever these adults say must be true .
25 Lessons may seen very expensive at first , but the combined total is less than what many people spend on a holiday .
26 Tonight , Mr Taylor said holding Cheltenham for the Conservatives was much more important than what some people thought of him .
27 My Mum brought up five of us in a flat far worse than what these immigrants complain about . ’
28 And I have it stronger than what this coffee is .
29 It is a sad fact that most professionals do what interests them , rather than what most needs doing .
30 It is a symptom which many women are too embarrassed to consult their doctors about , and which many doctors are too ignorant to do anything about .
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