Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Should disaster overtake Edward her son , should he die or be declared unfit for rule , Prince Richard would likely take his place .
2 To be considered ‘ disabled ’ for this purpose you will normally need to be receiving a benefit such as Attendance Allowance , Mobility Allowance , Invalidity Benefit or be registered blind .
3 But it 's still useful to discover short-cuts or be given practical tips .
4 But apparently I have to feel The Bump three or four times a day or be found guilty of Not Being Involved as a Father , or worse still , of this darkly Freudian offence called Denial .
5 How can a group be taken seriously , or be considered concerned , when it openly rejects co-operation with this two hundred and thirty million pound scheme which will very substantially increase the number of opportunities for the unemployed in Britain as a whole and in in particular .
6 On March 8 Labour Minister Norbert Blüm announced the government 's intention to extend by six months ( to end-1991 ) its " short-time " policy , whereby employees for whom there was little or no work nevertheless received 70 per cent of their salary rather than be made redundant .
7 What could they do , except be made miserable by impotence ?
8 It was assumed that the liquid discharge would disperse and be rendered harmless .
9 A pistol is pointed at its head , because it has been warned that , in the next year , there will be a further review under which it is likely that it will again lose its statutory framework and be cast adrift into voluntarism along with the 22 other boards which have been dismantled in the past eight to nine years .
10 Terrified of choking and terrified that the rope would give way , that she would fall and be eaten alive by those metal teeth , she screwed her eyes tight and prayed .
11 I still believe that one day humanity will bow down before the altars of God and be crowned triumphant over war and bloodshed , and non-violent redemptive goodwill will proclaim the rule of the land .
12 The car shall be produced in constant supply , irrespective of demand , and be made available at incredibly silly prices for all worthy organisations , local authorities and small businesses on a means tested basis .
13 The standard letters sent to the dealers and the information on prices should be sent to the Commission , the national competition authorities , the European Consumers Organisation and be made available to other interested parties .
14 The remaining material in Volume 1 — the so-called ‘ additional analyses ’ — which included detailed information about departmental subprogrammes and the English , Scottish and Welsh components should take more time to produce and be made available in alternative ways , as technical releases , in the spring .
15 A child may come before a hearing on an offence referral and be made subject to a supervision requirement for a number of reasons , of which the offence may be only one ; the child may on review be kept subject to a supervision requirement , even though he may have committed no further offences , because of , say , inadequate parental care .
16 is that that the consultation is a problem the legislation which takes away the requirement for several developments to promote valuable time and be advertised prior to the application so the first most people knew about this application was after this this opportunity prior to that to discuss it with the development before it was submitted .
17 They should be taken seriously and be given due consideration .
18 You will be asked to design experiments and be given other problems to solve .
19 That 's the good news , now for the bad : ‘ I am almost certain to ask a member of the audience to come up and be burnt alive . ’
20 My position is that the law is so constructed that in all probability , only the lucid , self-assertive patient who has a sympathetic , understanding doctor is able in most circumstances to have his way and be left alone , free from further interference , to die .
21 Often one of them would faint and be left prostrate until the end .
22 The accounts , records , etc. of the partnership must be kept at the principal place of business , and be held available for inspection by any of the partners .
23 Miserably , she backed out of the room , not wanting to desert Mrs Browning and be held responsible for her collapse , if collapse there was to be .
24 However , the great advantage of a good video is that you can actually witness the process of developing a piece of work , stage by stage , and be shown individual techniques , as well as be informed and entertained .
25 In future they will be treated like other manual workers and be paid monthly salaries .
26 But tonight there had been no time to get the cheese or sardines or cold ham that made his evening meal ; Sean never liked to cook in his bedsit above the premises of Hogan 's lest the smell of food linger and be deemed offensive .
27 This might then be used when necessary , but be left empty in other cases .
28 At the very least , the employee may need to show that the customer began to make an active search for an alternative supplier when be became aware that the patented article had to undergo important technical refinements after it had been put into use .
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