Example sentences of "[conj] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The report and accounts are sent to all shareholders and loan stock holders of the Company , but only the holders of ordinary shares in the Company are entitled to attend or be represented at the above meeting .
2 It can so easily look like a stunt or be represented as a desire wilfully to shape malleable material .
3 Furthermore , the 1986 Disabled Persons Act , arising from a private member 's Bill and now on the statute book , seeks to carry forward for adults some of the more positive features of the 1981 Education Act — for example , it provides for the rights of all people with disabilities to take part or be represented in discussion and decision-making concerning services provided for them .
4 Reciprocal arrangements with another nurse or friend can work — so long as you are flexible and no money exchanges hands , but if you have a child under five and payment is involved then your ‘ childminder ’ will either have to register with the local authority ( that is if she cares for your child in the minder 's own home ) or be employed as a nanny in yours .
5 No Reporter can be removed from office , asked to resign , or be employed in another capacity without the consent of the Secretary of State .
6 This is particularly true of regulations in heavily regulated fields such as agriculture , where they may be part of a long string of related measures or be limited to implementing a regulation of broader scope .
7 Parties can he set indoors or outdoors — or be split between the two .
8 A contestant may withdraw , or be withdrawn from a competition through injury .
9 This evidence must appear from , or be supported by , sources other than the accused .
10 If not accounted for they could contaminate a specimen under study or be mistaken as an important signal of something happening within the experimental investigation , whereas they are actually part of the ‘ noise ’ — the ‘ background ’ .
11 The goat may bleat loudly and persistently and may go off her food ; she may jump other goats or be jumped by them .
12 Dona never had to feel the pain , torment or be racked with guilt as Anna did .
13 Characters entering this room must make a Cl test or be affected by fear .
14 For example , although Rampton and Swann rely on public examinations , other studies have based their conclusions on a variety of other measures , including teacher assessments of reading or mathematics ; moreover , many of these tests are likely to contain cultural bias or be affected by the fact that they were administered by white teachers or researchers ( Hegarty and Lucas , 1979 ; Bagley , 1975 ) .
15 In this context an assignment may be considered " terminated " , because it can not affect or be affected by the other process , and is free to terminate at any time .
16 I am simply denying that God ( whatever we may mean by God ) could be of such a kind that God could intervene in human history , or be revealed through particular events in history , or through a particular person , in a way in which God is not potentially present to us in and through all acts and persons .
17 No matter what time of year it is , you can freeze your socks off in winter or be boiling to death in summer , and the Ipswich to Debenham bus is always late .
18 1973 ) which emphasized the damaging effects of ‘ drift ’ in care , they came to constitute a formidable ‘ Permanence Movement ’ , campaigning for early decision-making over whether a child entering care was to return to parents or be placed in permanent substitute care .
19 Dissolved material may subsequently be reprecipitated or be reincorporated into other minerals , but the great proportion is carried by rivers to the ocean .
20 Thus rather than adopting the language of coercion and hence drawing parallels between corporate officials and , say , soldiers at the front in World War I compelled to go over the top at dawn to meet the German machine-gun bullets or be shot as ‘ deserters ’ , it might be more realistic to argue that corporate officials are frequently placed in a position where they are required to choose between impairing their career chances or being a loyal organizational person .
21 An SPR may either be generated by a user entirely within LIFESPAN or be received from an external client in paper form and subsequently transcribed into LIFESPAN .
22 An SPR may either be generated by a user entirely within LIFESPAN ( a Magnetic SPR ) or be received from an external client on a paper form and subsequently transcribed into LIFESPAN ( a Paper SPR ) .
23 They may overlie or be overlain by sexual difficulty which is endemic in an age group or among people with certain forms of disability .
24 In order to qualify for the basic pension , men and women must either be full contributors or be credited with contributions for all of their working lives subject to a minimum of full contributions paid for twenty years .
25 During conference debate on industrial law , Brenda Dean , general secretary of the print union Sogat , attacked Mr Maxwell over the treatment of over 100 workers at the Nuffield Press in Oxford who , she said , had to agree to individual contracts or be sacked at the end of the week .
26 At one stage , moviegoers can choose to see the villain plummet from a window , rescue the heroine or be sprayed with Mace attack repellent .
27 These needs must include the needs to live a natural life and not be used for invasive procedures or be kept in restrictive confinement .
28 But there was no one around to be made uncomfortable , or be coerced into helping her out .
29 If non-sexual circumstances can provoke sexual difficulty , quite certainly sexual problems can beget or be cloaked by problems in other areas .
30 norways coach egil ‘ drillo ’ olsen today speak up on our international players who are not in their first teams : ‘ come home or be wrecked from the national team ’ ( and thus no USA'94 ) ( this in one of the tabloids over here ) — the players mentioned are
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