Example sentences of "[conj] [that] [det] were " in BNC.

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1 The discussion of early Anglo-Saxon pottery in Myres ( 1969 ) has little direct comment on the uses of pottery , except that many were used in mortuary rituals .
2 There were tortoises , very similar to the mainland forms except that these were many times bigger , giants that a man could ride .
3 On the far side of it stood a village of longhouses , much like the ones we had left back on the coast , except that these were entered by round doors instead of the normal rectangular ones .
4 Analysis of social contacts between the index case , patient E7 , and patients E8–E11 revealed that all 5 patients lived in East Fife , an area north of Edinburgh , and that all were regular attenders at a weekly fitness class held in a local school ( figure 2 ) .
5 Interestingly , however , the SD went on to note that after unusually large audiences , prompted by heavy propaganda , had attended the film at the outset , the numbers rapidly dropped off , and there were comments that the film would bring nothing new , that people had had enough of the Jewish theme , and that many were nauseated by the depiction of ritual slaughter scenes — some fainting , and others leaving the cinema in disgust .
6 Many officials believed that a large number of false cases were prosecuted , and that many were successful .
7 MPs had complained that it was too easy for them to get benefits , and that many were not actually entitled to the money .
8 MPs had complained that it was too easy for them to get benefits , and that many were not actually entitled to the money .
9 Saussure called for , not the abandonment of diachronic study , but the recognition that synchronic and diachronic study led to different kinds of knowledge , and that both were necessary for the true understanding of language .
10 The Panel Chairman told the parents that their children were well , settling down in their foster homes , and that some were going to school .
11 Is he aware that among women serving life sentences in Bullwood Hall women 's prison for murdering their husbands there are several whose lack of command of English meant that they were not aware that there was anywhere that they could run to , that some women who had tried to run away from extreme brutality were dragged back by their families , and that some were terrified of leaving their children with a brutal partner , and that therefore they had to wait until they could do something about it and were driven to commit murder ?
12 He had been working since the 1820s on his theory that ‘ grand geometrical lines ’ had been laid out in ancient times across the country and that these were indicated by old boundaries and markers .
13 The implication is that the dead king 's household had stayed together more or less formally and that these were the servants into whose care Edward V was given — an approach consonant with Gloucester 's apparent desire to preserve the status quo .
14 The historical sketch included in Macdonald 's 1904 survey of women in the printing trades states that it was indeed the pupils of Merchant Company Schools who formed the first recruits , and that these were " a better class of girl " , sometimes described as " stickit " ( would-be ) teachers .
15 He told Americans that they were " good , decent , honest and open " and that these were the qualities that he intended to take to Washington .
16 The implication is that the dead king 's household had stayed together more or less formally and that these were the servants into whose care Edward V was given — an approach consonant with Gloucester 's apparent desire to preserve the status quo .
17 It is possible that such people had minor enzyme deficiencies before their damaging exposure , but that these were not causing any symptoms at that stage .
18 Then , only two months ago , Peter Brooke himself announced that they were to have no purchase grants as such , but that these were now merged with the vote which pays for running expenses .
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