Example sentences of "[conj] [that] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is no doubt that Unionists believed in what they were doing or that they saw the government 's actions as justifying their responses .
2 Yet it would be anachronistic to assume that they had surrendered their rights in anticipation of Marxist theories about the superiority of the all-Russian market , or that they felt a particular brotherly love towards the Great Russian folk .
3 There was no indication that they , unlike the aggro leaders , were actively engaged in inciting other fans to join in the scraps or that they led concerted attacks against the opposition .
4 This diversity accounts for the mutually contradictory complaints that are frequently voiced by village locals : that the newcomers come in and try to run everything or that they take no part in village life and are not ‘ involved ’ .
5 You can often get them back on track by suggesting that they take turns at riding the tricycle or that they make the Lego building a joint effort .
6 The conclusion is either that the political and social message concerning older workers was not reaching employers , whose strategies were determined by other priorities , or that they put the immediate interests of the firm , as they defined them , before the longer-term interest of the national economy as the government was defining it .
7 The companies successfully argued that many elements of the Macintosh screen , which uses movable symbols rather than typed commands , were not original or that they had been invented by Xerox Corporation or International Business Machines .
8 The two newslines were the fact that the band all possessed degrees or that they had chosen George Beat ( v. old footballer , as they would say ) .
9 The reference to the tent meant either that ‘ John Parsons ’ had written it , and was hoping to see me around , or that they had teamed up on a declared truce .
10 Sometimes they possessed knowledge about sex , but could not admit that this was sexual , or that they had those sorts of desires .
11 Held , ( 1 ) that on an appeal to the High Court from a decision of justices under the Children Act 1989 fresh evidence could be adduced only with leave in exceptional circumstances , and the court would not interfere with the exercise of the justices ' discretion unless it considered that their decision was plainly wrong or that they had erred in principle ; and that , further , an interm order would not lightly be interfered with in view of its temporary nature and the often provisional character of the evidence ( post , p. 271A–B ) .
12 The Lord Chief Justice had said then that it would be wrong for it to appear that the proposals had the backing of the judges or that they had had any hand in their preparation ; and that it was essential that the judges remained at arm 's length .
13 What 's new is that the old defence , that a director did not ‘ knowingly or willingly ’ allow something to happen has been eroded and , Bell said , ‘ directors will have to show specifically and beyond a shadow of doubt they could not know what was happening or that they had minuted their protest ’ .
14 I have just met some colleagues in the House — and I do not dare to name the Opposition Members — who asked me questions about the amendment because there were points that they could not understand or that they had not seen before .
15 A number of people were granted exemption on the grounds either that they were too poor to pay taxes and rates or that they had a certificate signed by the minister and parish officers to the effect that their premises were worth not more than 1 per annum or that their personal property was worth less than £10 per annum ; however , no exemption was allowed anyone possessing more than two hearths .
16 Given this variation in language forms and use , the danger may be that teachers do not realise the extent of the variation , or that they regard the creole language forms as haphazard .
17 It is not my intention to argue that villagers confused the two institutions , or that they thought magistrates and demons to be similar types of beings .
18 But it 's interesting to know that a lot of the copies either must have copies , which they should have or that they know what bin it .
19 Cos we 've basically got ta find people that people 'll be happy with or that they know .
20 It 's a little like listening to those debates in parliament where parliament vote themselves extra salaries and I feel very uncomfortable in this process , I thought I might be coming here this morning to disagree with my own group , or those members of them that do n't agree with me , perhaps joined with the conservatives in opposing this motion , but I find in fact that everybody is saying oh let's put up the er , the heading , I feel very uncomfortable with this having spent six months in the budget review , criticising officers up hill and down dale every time that they exceeded their budget , having told them that either they balance their budget or that they came in next year with a budget with no more than a one and a half percent increase , or their successors would be doing it for us .
21 The fact that urban areas were hit early and particularly hard by this loss is then explained by conditions which operate within this broader context : for example , that cities tended to have the older and thus often less profitable parts of individual industries ; or that they suffered from decentralization to cheaper and less organized workers .
22 Or that they 'd sacked him .
23 Or that they 'd got to attend court or something .
24 Fragmentation and excessive pace were also found to be important variables bearing on job satisfaction , with many workers , who did not find their work monotonous , stating that it did not absorb their full attention or that they found the pace of it too fast .
25 If they are as divorced from experience as they seem , the only explanations for their regular occurrence in a variety of people must be either , following Jung , that these are archetypal dreams with some allegorical significance , or that they represent an attempt to make sense out of experiences really occurring during dreaming sleep — an attempt to make a coherent story out of some pattern of the highly active discharges from the hindbrain which are a feature of REM sleep .
26 One is aware that educators in this field are treading sacred ground and expose themselves to accusations that they create unrealistic expectations ( say , elaborate rituals ) , or that they encroach upon the territory of other professionals ( the Clergy , perhaps ) .
27 That some of the articles were ill-argued , that they lacked style , or that they attributed to schools and teachers almost every ill that mankind was heir to , went unnoticed in the popular press ( which reported , usually without reservation , the ‘ findings ’ of each Black Paper ) .
28 It is commonplace in the sociology of the police to emphasize how police stations are a ‘ symbolic bureaucracy ’ , to use Jacobs 's telling phrase ( 1969 ) , or that they have , in Goffman 's terminology , front and backstage regions where different sets of rules apply ( see Holdaway 1980 ) .
29 ( For example , they might say that they have a woman deacon in their parish , or that they have chosen a woman — or a man — as their doctor . )
30 It is hard , after a lifetime of sharing disappointments and problems with a parent , to find that they are no longer capable of sustaining conversation , that their memory is failing or that they have little interest in things outside their own immediate situation .
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