Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Despite all the sound and fury , the balls either fell short or were so feeble at long range as to strike only dust from the town walling .
2 Sellers , dressed in brilliant colours , outshone the purchasers , and , instead of welcoming them , either ignored them or were so rude that they could only have hoped to drive them away .
3 He either did n't believe her , or was so unused to accepting answers unquestioningly that it was second nature for him to delve into the nitty-gritty .
4 Julius kissing her , Julius licking and nibbling at her skin , Julius 's fingers moving over her in a series of inquisitive caresses that were so pleasurable they almost hurt .
5 That was the way he enjoyed talking about sex , a slightly diluted form of the conversations that were so much part of his connections with the Orton-Halliwell set .
6 After all , ’ she continued , fixing her smile , forcing herself to look into those eyes that were so deep she felt she could drown in them , ‘ life 's too short for moping about and parties are meant to be fun , are n't they ? ’
7 In the 1950s the perennial problems of unstable governments and widespread poverty that were so typical of the region seemed to provide fertile ground for revolutionary movements — and revolution , in official American eyes , was frequently the agency of international communism .
8 It was the rest of us that were so bored .
9 Later , as the aircraft swooped down over many of the fields that were so familiar to me in my detecting rambles around the countryside , I soon realised that the weather had taken its toll on the cropmarks .
10 Any reader of any age can instance passages in books that were so convincing , so moving , that they were almost direct experiences .
11 Rarely have I felt aileron and elevator controls that were so light on the ground and had such little friction .
12 And they made records that were so crap they were , like , brilliant .
13 He had searched the corridors but found only tools that were so old and rusted together they fell apart if he tried to use them .
14 Kite , one of the few golfers to have had any success with switch-hitting on the greens , came out this year with a compact whip-and-zip to his swing that made him look like one of those little mechanical Arnold Palmer golf games that were so popular in the 1960s ( and have recently surfaced again ) .
15 The critique of the pathological views of black family life that were so prevalent in Social Services during the late seventies and early eighties has led directly to an extraordinary idealization of black family forms .
16 Fashions change , and the hulk-like diesels that were so unwelcome as steam replacements twenty-five years previously were given a massive send-off from the new generation of enthusiasts .
17 At once , it fascinated him : a country and a city that were so French , and so Arab , in which two cultures very different from one another seemed to him at first to blend triumphantly .
18 This general pattern of growth was subject to regional variation and was punctuated by devastating epidemics — of which bubonic plague was only the most notorious — and by harvest failures that were so catastrophic that people died of starvation .
19 Carrie stood knee deep in the dry , sweet-smelling hay and helped Albert take Frederick 's huge forkfuls that were so heavy , sometimes , it made them both stagger .
20 What was it about the station that was so fascinating ?
21 The sequence was then interrupted by a flood that was so devastating that a new start had to be made and again kingship had to be ‘ lowered from heaven ’ .
22 So on would go the self mocking Uncle Basil , punctuating everything with a high pitched giggle that was so appealing I remember deliberately trying to adopt it as a young adult .
23 It was this ability to display a ballerina 's apparent weightlessness and sheer joy in dance that was so impressive when the Spirits of the Air danced in Homage to the Queen , Ashton 's exquisite celebration of the 1952 Coronation which was danced by Margot Fonteyn and Michael Somes .
24 It was not the quantity of stars that was so impressive , though if there had been more they would have blended into a whitewash , nor was it their brilliance , though they were a dazzling variation of colour and size , but that they seemed alive .
25 They felt profoundly insecure in the face of something that was so personal and intimate .
26 Even in medical school it had inhibited her to the point where she had even had serious doubts about whether she would be able to continue her studies , simply because , unlike many of her senior colleagues , she had never quite managed to acquire the kind of detachment that was so necessary sometimes to become a doctor .
27 P. Yeah man that was so lame of snakes .
28 ‘ You know , you ca n't believe she 's the same child that was so polite a couple of years ago .
29 The two of them slept deeply , unaware of the camera that had watched their silent lovemaking , the camera that was so small it could be hidden in the face of the heating control on the wall by the window .
30 She stepped forward in a manner that was so delicate it was repulsive .
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