Example sentences of "[conj] [was/were] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 Many of these social friends had , or were on their way , to very high positions .
2 Most casualties ( 46% ) recorded involved people who were at the time of the incident standing in buses , but it is not always clear from the recorded data whether the passengers were standing due to the vehicle 's seating capacity being fully utilised or were on their feet moving towards a seat or the bus exit .
3 As usual , after some warm-up exercises , we got to the point in the workshop when we ask participants to help us create an agenda for the rest of the day by sharing the particular concerns that were on their minds .
4 No longer interrupted by shooting , the zombies continued their steady slow pace , completely ignoring the Marines other than to step around any Marine that was in their path .
5 As de Lattre presented his case , his plan to construct 1200 bunkers of the Siegfried Line-type ( one wonders why its French counterpart was not mentioned instead ) was to provide against future Chinese attacks but , on the assumption that the Chinese might be deterred , French success seemed to be simply a matter of US munitions and confidence and , although it might have been misleading as a performance indicator , at the end of his visit to the Pentagon de Lattre was rewarded with Defense Secretary Lovett 's assertion that General de Lattre was regarded as a comrade in arms and that the US would do everything they could for him that was within their capabilities .
6 And without more ado the two officers fastened their clips about their ankles , wheeled out with velocipedes and were on their way .
7 The Louts had also had enough , enough of Herr Hocher , that is , and were on their scooters , revving them with an ear-splitting racket .
8 They had had a message from Windsor , and were on their way to arrest Joseph Shill .
9 The last two officers were both parachute instructors and were on their first operation .
10 Moments later they had taken my picture and were on their way .
11 Billy and Paul had just disembarked from their tour bus after a 17-hour journey from the previous night 's gig supporting Rush in Fort Worth , Texas , and were on their way to play in St Louis the next evening .
12 The ‘ Fury and the Spitfire has been to an airshow the previous day at Yeovilton , they had then flown to Humberside for another airshow and were on their way home .
13 The gaps between were filled with people looking for seats , with others exchanging seats , and with some who had simply observed friends in other parts of the room and were on their way from one table to another for the purpose of making conversation .
14 It took me a lot more years , and even more boyfriends , to cotton on , by which time most of the occupants of the back rows had been married to each other for years and were on their second spin dryer .
15 They had met when dining at English 's Oyster House , and were on their way back to the rebuilt Grand Hotel for a night-cap and bed .
16 The other four British tourists affected had only slight wounds and were on their way back to Cyprus tonight .
17 The girls got out alive , and were in their beds not long after midnight , little Cinderellas .
18 This followed extensive discussions with the unions over the last three months but was without their agreement .
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