Example sentences of "[conj] [is] it that " in BNC.

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1 Or is it that it does n't seem long ? he continued bitterly , knowing the futility of carping , but being unable to stop it .
2 Or is it that When the vile or appalling ‘ lies quite close , but can not be assimilated … at the border of my condition as a living being ’ ( Julia Kristeva ) , what is produced is a momentarily heightened sense of one 's own aliveness , teetering on the brink of extinction ?
3 Or is it that the sudden perception of one 's own constant vulnerability provides , in its black , clouded way , a dazzling , near-religious feeling of revelation — this is how things really are ; that to be born is , by definition , to be a victim ?
4 Or is it that the working class has shrunk to a level which means it can never put Labour into power ?
5 Or is it that she 's like Barbara Hervey ?
6 Or is it that because of ignorance and haste crucial parts of the foundations have been left out ?
7 He followed this with the unkindest cut of all : ‘ Or is it that he is afraid I will ask him for money ? ’
8 Are individual Japanese so decidedly group orientated by cultural tradition or is it that ‘ in many cases they are loyal to their groups because it pays to be loyal ’ ( Befu 1977 p. 87 ) ?
9 Or is it that our eyes are ready for a review of his masterly clash of print , texture and colour ?
10 When you saw what a disaster you had caused , you could of started again and taken some time , oh sorry I forgot that 's not godlike , you probably did n't want to know or is it that you enjoy what you made , a sort of entertainment , better than Home and Away , watching wars and diseases and things .
11 Or is it that you think so highly of her that you ca n't bring yourself to cast her pearls before swine ?
12 Or is it that you 're worried about having to work a bit harder for the grand wages I give you … wages that 's been strangled out of me by that bloody woman o ’ yours ? ’
13 Or is it that you want him to ? ’
14 Has the desire been bred in us or is it that there are so many and so easily available today that they are no longer considered of value ? )
15 Or is it that thy hour is not yet come ?
16 Or is it that I 've lost my sense of balance ?
17 Or is it that your other relationships keep proving unsatisfactory , driving you back to him ? ’
18 Or is it that you 're immune ? ’ he said slowly .
19 Or is it that there are none so blind as those who will not see ?
20 Or is it that you yourself wish to withdraw from the commitment ? ’
21 Or is it that inside all organizations there are , continuously , small discoveries to be made in order to improve what is being done — and that schools do not differ from other organizations ?
22 Or is it that a book still has some special appeal in this electronic age ?
23 Or is it that your feelings suddenly alter ?
24 Or is it that they are being manipulated by people in the soft wood trade … to tarnish the good name of tropical hard wood ?
25 Are your memories so short over there , or is it that you have deliberately forgotten or ignored the protests of that time .
26 Or is it that you play the Ice Queen only to capture a man 's interest ? ’
27 But it needs to be borne in mind , before we embark on the various ways of doing this , that it is by no means a universally accepted need nor is it that every bereaved person with whom we come in contact will need ‘ help ’ .
28 But is it that you do n't love me , my dear wife , because I 've been ill ?
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