Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] her [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Her lack of authority is helped neither by a recorded balance that places her too far from the microphone throughout , nor by Claudio Abbado 's propensity for extremes of tempo .
2 Now it is how Dorothy Heathcote sees the relationship between the two that sets her apart from most drama teachers .
3 The marginal member will be characterized by a δ or valuation of the reputation gain that makes her just indifferent , that is , where where the marginal member 's evaluation or commitment is denoted by .
4 He clearly regards the management of the mound as his own particular responsibility and expertise , for if the female comes to the mound to lay at a time when opening it might cause a dangerous fluctuation in its temperature , he will refuse to do so and drives her away .
5 She nods , and swivels her loose lower denture ,
6 HAMLET , with his doublet all unbraced , no hat upon his head , his stockings fouled , ungartered and down-gyred to his ankle , pale as his shirt , his knees knocking each other … and with a look so piteous , he takes her by the wrist and holds her hard , then he goes to the length of his arm , and with his other hand over his brow , falls to such perusal of her face as he would draw it …
7 The lady in the story ( as plainly told as it is titled ) inexplicably turns , halfway through an ordinary afternoon , into a bright-eyed vixen ; and the man in the story , equally inexplicably , Boy thought , remains faithful to her and loves her dearly even when she leaves him in order to raise a family with another animal and he even , in the end , goes mad with love for her .
8 Greimas maps onto his diagram Propp 's basic narrative chiasmus : traitor ravishes king 's daughter and transfers her elsewhere to hide her , hero finds somewhere king 's daughter and gives her back to her parents .
9 Later he responds more positively to Vera 's shy advances and embraces her gently but respectfully when they are interrupted by Natalia .
10 Is there something about woman 's experience as a biological and social being that gives her a common identity and differentiates her forever from the male ?
11 Mrs Noble , he said , thought him completely immoral and his own parents were chary of allowing Helen to visit him in his study bedroom at Shelgate Road as she used to do , although , he informed Harry , ‘ Mother knows Helen so well and likes her so much . ’
12 Still grasping the female by the claws , he jerks and heaves her forward until her sexual opening , also on her underside , is brought directly above the sperm packet .
13 Often the reverse applies where the female , her ovipositor is fully extended , but he is not in the mood and chases her away .
14 The episode with the child is a reworking of Svidrigailov 's nightmare immediately before his suicide , in which he finds an abandoned little girl and carries her upstairs and puts her in his bed , and goes back later to see how she is .
15 Your mother 's been very good sitting with them , and the girl across the road takes Molly to school and brings her home . ’
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