Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] them [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Each situation is then rated on a five point scale according to whether it just bothers them a little or makes them really angry .
2 The parents will begin to identify what it is that irritates them so much .
3 Interpretations of the source of this imbalance have varied , but most persuasive is the theory that it reflects an unusual form of communication between the two halves of the brain , involving the anatomical structure ( the corpus callosum ) that joins them together .
4 How do you enter a formula that joins them together ?
5 Females also demonstrate a type of hierarchy that sees them side-by-side , waggling their bodies to form water currents as a show of strength .
6 It 's their motion that keeps them apart ?
7 Ospreys do not nest in the Galloway lochs , although they do ‘ prospect ’ the area regularly : it seems likely that it is the lack of fish that keeps them away .
8 well that helps them as much really do n't it ?
9 And the bond that binds them together is the dynamic concept of the rule of God .
10 This interchange of visual ideas permeates every facet of the weaver 's art , and is one of the prime reasons why all oriental rugs , regardless of their compositional differences , possess an underlying character that sets them apart from hand-made rugs produced in other areas of the world .
11 Sometimes , it is this flash of white belly that gives them away when you are roaming the river bank trying to spot them .
12 • After several days on this schedule they will be going to bed and getting up at their chosen time , one that gives them enough sleep during the weekdays .
13 The seduction scenes are beautifully timed by Dustin and a super-cool Bancroft , but they have enough ambivalence to suggest his guilt and her loneliness , and the emptiness that brings them together .
14 Just by glancing at the first chapter of the book you feel a sort of ‘ zing ’ that brings them together , so much so that one could never rate one higher than the other .
15 It 's based on the two fingered symbol of peace , and although it was originally designed for lead guitars I eventually scaled it up to use on my basses ; it 's one of the features that makes them instantly recognisable . ’
16 The need on the part of performance scoring models for ready access to detailed transaction and account balance trend data required for such a marketing strategy are already stored on the database , even if off-line , and in a form that makes them sufficiently easy to retrieve .
17 Erm so if they do something with , with windows that makes them actually the , the open way they can break in is to break all the glass out , and the way you would do that is to fit a window lock .
18 Male birds compete for territories and mates , and any change to a song that makes them more effective in competition will be favoured by natural selection .
19 There is nothing specific about the ball bearings : nothing that makes them more suitable to one situation rather than another .
20 … The needlessness of imprinting such evident notions can not be argued from their present clearness ; because it is their being thus imprinted or thus connatural to our minds that makes them so . ’
21 Study of evolving populations of ammonoids has produced very fine subdivisions of Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks , and their only disadvantage , curiously enough , is the feature that makes them so attractive to collectors .
22 Their feedback-drenched fog makes it almost impossible to discern anything resembling a tune , and each song coasts along for upwards of five minutes — but it 's precisely their avoidance of career-minded polish that makes them so invigorating .
23 They have taken a long hard look at the way Japanese firms operate and tried to understand what it is that makes them so much more productive and successful .
24 And you can even buy imitations of handmade bricks with all the individuality of texture that makes them so attractive to use , but they are pricy .
25 It 's a fast-paced , illuminating and frequently hilarious show , but the portrait is left incomplete by the short shrift given to film of Fishbone onstage — surely the one place where their controlled chaos makes perfect sense — and a surprising lack of emphasis on the political apoplexy that makes them so fascinating .
26 Mother says it 's the good fresh air on the moor that makes them so hungry .
27 The essential property of carbon atoms that makes them so suitable for life and for industrial synthetics , is that they join together to form a limitless repertoire of different kinds of very large molecules .
28 That 's about ten pounds for every one of the wrinkles that makes them so distinctive .
29 My concentrated butter sauce that makes them so
30 The second type of explanation suggests that these people have some sort of defect that makes them less able to cope with environmental chemicals .
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