Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] he [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of front running his customer the broker/dealer may pass the information about the customer 's position to another trader , such as a local , who makes a profit and then splits the difference with the broker/dealer , or pays him back in some other way .
2 They create a drag-like static that slows him down and pollutes what you would have to call his aura .
3 Actually I do n't wan na to get erm , hitting his head on a with a hammer , I 'll say that turns him on .
4 Talking to Stan about fossil hunting makes you aware of the passion that drives him on .
5 That that 's the kind of thing that starts him off ( starts him off ) .
6 You have to remember only that from each such encounter he must , to make the story one of continuing progress and placate Thomas Ozro MacAdoo , take some new fact , something that leads him on , in most cases , to another confrontation — and take us , the readers , with him .
7 Steve , with the instinct that marks him out as a real mountaineer , not just a climber , had searched for and seen an abseil that avoided the First Brittle Ice Traverse , It took us past the Pocket Hanging Glacier seracs , where the ropes twisted into corkscrews and jammed tight .
8 Pearce , who signed a five-year deal worth around £1million two years ago , is looking for a rise despite a wage packet that puts him on nearly £4,000 a week .
9 If a tom-cat is nearby this excites him tremendously , but the female usually fights with him and drives him off .
10 For it is that negative role that hampers his performance and holds him back in his development .
11 ‘ He seems to hold David Howell , who 's still owed three weeks ' money , particularly responsible and wants him out of the club .
12 A warm night breeze rustles in the dark trees , and bears him along .
13 GUIL grabs him and spins him back violently .
14 John starts , and Paul realizes why and cuts him off .
15 His father splashes deep into the water and pulls him out .
16 A Polish farmer fits him out with a complete set of dry clothes and sends him on to the West German embassy in Warsaw .
17 Flattens Molloy and lays him out .
18 She cleans up the Black Prince and puts him back on his table .
19 you 've got fields well he goes and takes a ball or something and throws it and tires him out a bit .
20 Is it , therefore , the law that if A steals the tools of a carpenter , B , and locks him up , B may sue for unlawful interference with trade as well as conversion and false imprisonment ?
21 The man glances at his picture and waves him through .
22 He fucks her and fucks him over .
23 The carer then holds him in the same way as if he was sitting on the side of the bed , with his head resting on her shoulder , and lifts him up and round onto the second chair .
24 You remember Peter when he was , er , totally different context , but the lesson is the same , when he was when Jesus called him to walk on the water and he starts walking , and then , he looks around and for what e , for whatever reason he starts sinking , the moment he calls out help Jesus reaches out and lifts him back him rescues him .
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