Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [conj] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The former is loam , that is top-soil taken from a meadow and then sterilised ; the other is the semi-decayed remains of sedges or mosses that are preserved from total decomposition in peat bogs by a blanket of water and acidity .
2 The policy of the solicitors ' governing body is encapsulated in Rule 1 of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 ( and of earlier editions ) : A solicitor shall not directly or indirectly obtain or attempt to obtain instructions for professional work or permit another person to do so on his behalf , or do anything in the course of practising as a solicitor , in any manner which compromises or impairs or is likely to compromise or impair any of the following : ( a ) the solicitor 's independence or integrity ; ( b ) a person 's freedom to instruct a solicitor of his choice ; ( c ) the solicitor 's duty to act in the best interests of the client ; ( d ) the good repute of the solicitor or of the solicitor 's profession ; ( e ) the solicitor 's proper standard of work ; ( f ) the solicitor 's duty to the Court .
3 It is also stipulated in the agreement that the only works of art that may not be transferred to Bilbao from New York are those that are subject to American legal restrictions , or works that are too fragile to travel .
4 In other words , small flaccid penises tend to expand to a much greater degree than penises that are already quite large when resting , so that both will reach the average erect size of six inches or so .
5 They would do well to remember that his record shops began by running an illegal scheme which meant that records that were marked for export ( and therefore exempt from tax ) were sold domestically , a scam that only ended when Branson was caught and fined .
6 Will he use the facilities of the European Community to ensure that ships that are manned and owned by France , for example , obey the new rules as quickly as possible ?
7 but it cuts across , no there there comes a point where the of this world say oh am I allowed to do this , am I allowed to do that if you 've been here for more than three years right and it 's particularly prevalent in Scotland , oh are we allowed to do that , oh I did n't know and that 's old that is. old to a certain extent you know , she 's been around longer than has and been around but influenced by who 's been around a long time you see that 's where we get it , you see we do n't get the initiative coming in that area we get we get the oh Christ , bloody hell let's shove that one out the way that 's a national account .
8 A single person , or a couple without children , extremely busy and not overly fond of cooking will almost certainly prefer a functional , working room that looks and is efficient .
9 Today there is much public concern about the amount of incest that occurs and is now coming to light .
10 Few exercise routines are designed for the 55-plus age range , so do n't do anything that hurts or is exhausting .
11 More than this , he even showed that horses use clairvoyance — the ability to see mentally something that exists or is happening out of sight — but to a much lesser degree .
12 5.5 shall not during or after the expiry or termination of this Agreement without the prior written consent of , use or adopt any name , trade name , trading style or commercial designation that includes or is similar to or may be mistaken for the whole or any part of any trade name , trade mark , trading style or commercial designation used by .
13 Financial intermediaries also ensure that projects that are potentially profitable will be able to obtain finance .
14 The basic argument is that structures that are closely similar were probably adapted to a similar function .
15 In this discussion it has been hard to draw the line between issues that are essentially ‘ characteristics of policy ’ that affect implementation , and points that are really observations about the characteristics of either the relationships between central policy makers and local implementers , or of the organization of the implementing agencies .
16 The Algarve coastline has many beautiful beaches and covers that are well-worth searching for modern losses , as well as a few older Portuguese coins and the occasional ring .
17 10.8.12 In respect of licences granted under intellectual property rights the licensor shall , at the request and coat of the licensee , execute and do all such deeds , acts matters and thins as are requisite for securing an official registration of such licenses .
18 Whales and seals that are washed up dead on our coasts have nothing to do with pollution .
19 Another danger comes from domestic powders and sprays that are employed excessively — on the lawn for example .
20 An individual machinist might be tempted to choose feeds and speeds that were either faster or slower than those appropriate for the job in hand .
21 She quivers and shakes and is terrified of the surgery .
22 Because she was tired of looking at flats that were really bedsits , and bedsits that were really cupboards , but cost as much as if they had been flats .
23 To remain near the screens , he and Elaine had to stand close to the strange woman called Lacuna , but even Lacuna seemed less threatening than the jungle of lines and forms that were still proliferating everywhere else in the room .
24 For not only would the developers — who always did have a reputation as sharp dressers — be examples of sartorial elegance but the traditionally staid chartered surveyors would also have swapped their green-check jackets and corduroy trousers for double-breasted suits , red braces and ties that were more of a ‘ statement ’ than a fashion accessory .
25 Designed to reduce back and neck strain and Repetitive Strain Injury ( RSI ) , they insist that chairs must have seats that are height adjustable and backs that are height and tilt adjustable .
26 Not knowing the decorative style of the new home is an important point to bear in mind when planning a picture of this sort , so it is always best to choose colours and frames that are attractive without being so dramatic or colourful that you considerably reduce their hanging potential .
27 All vowels and diphthongs that are neither close nor open , i.e. , , , , , , , , must be distinguished from each other by other features .
28 Is it not the case that after all the hype and hopes that were insinuated in the debate , the Scottish Office is toeing the Ministry of Defence line ?
29 This is when the pupil is still coming to terms with using a low vision aid and is not yet skilful in its use , but needs to read text and notes that are too advanced in content to be available in the large print of junior and early reading books .
30 disadvantages were control levers and dials that were too small to use quickly with gloves on , and complex fuel mixing instructions .
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