Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , under Rule 37.4 , if the offeror buys-in or redeems its own shares , this has to be disclosed as a dealing under Rule 8 and in the offer document in the case of a securities exchange offer .
2 Have they provided prize-fights , or has it all been like all-in wrestling , where the heaves and grunts and assaults have seemed stagey and contrived ?
3 Rule 37.1 provides that where a company redeems or purchases its own voting shares , with the result that the directors and any persons acting in concert with them hold 30 per cent or more of the voting rights , then a Rule 9 obligation to make a mandatory offer arises .
4 Thus to love or hate you , it may not be enough that your actions in your own interests make all the difference between success and failure for my highest hopes ; but it may be enough , even if nothing you do has any bearing on my projects , that in being drawn to or shrinking from your viewpoint I feel myself in touch with a personality of which the total pattern attracts or repels my own .
5 Which possibility sends a tingle down your spine , or gives you that ‘ Aha ! ’ sensation ?
6 While it is unremarkable to observe that although some people eat three meals a day , and others miss out breakfast and lunch altogether , taking all their food in the evenings , there is no such parallel during sleep — no normal person has been found who , for instance , takes all his or her REM sleep in one session of ninety minutes at the beginning of the night , or saves it all up for a session in the early hours of the morning .
7 What we have there is nothing strikingly original , just a fantastically good club record that enforces nothing more than that irresistible urge to jack your body .
8 What we need is managerial hierarchy that understands its own nature and purpose .
9 Nor has it any more to do with Peter 's reforms than might perhaps justify an editorial footnote .
10 Scritti Politti also moved out of the shadowy margins and proposed a schizoid project — the making of perfect pop that contains its own internal deconstruction .
11 These are separate topics in their own right , just as sewing itself is a hobby that has its own literature which we commend if you wish to learn more .
12 Meaning is something born primarily not by the parts but by the whole theory , since the whole theory is the only thing that has its own observational consequences .
13 If you can only get to go to one doggie event , this is the one that has it all .
14 ‘ It 's your friendship with my mother that worries me most ! ’ she said stiffly , her cheeks flushing under the cool gaze he returned .
15 Colin gave that smile of familiarity , that smile of superiority , that certain smile that says it all .
16 Family 's Open Day — the picture that says it all .
17 It 's a kiss that says it all .
18 The weapons bay is too small to accommodate much of a bomb : it is designed to take the AMRAAM , a new air-to-air missile that uses its own radar to hunt down and destroy enemy aircraft .
19 Luce sighed , then said worriedly , ‘ The thing that concerns me most is what could have happened to the ring ? ’
20 What is the thing about this that concerns you most of all ?
21 There is ample room in that account of the situation for the further stipulation that the judge should decide in a way that engages his own political or moral convictions as little as possible and gives as much deference as possible to institutions conventionally authorized to make law .
22 One that includes your own name .
23 And about the spider 's web of international capital that links them all — rich and poor , East and West — together .
24 Because it is so efficient Mossad is courted by other agencies who are anxious to trade off information , particularly about Arab terrorism that affects their own countries .
25 Medicine is a powerful system of knowledge , and one that affects us all ; it is therefore illuminating to find that within modern medical thought these fragments continue to be influential .
26 This element of anticipation of death is therefore one that affects us all if the circumstances warrant it or seem to do so .
27 It is a curse that affects us all .
28 THE election of a new American president is an event that affects us all .
29 This it manifestly does , but it is aware that it is not unique in doing so ( whence the many references to Tristam Shandy and Jacques le fataliste , archetypes of the novel that undermines its own stated project of telling a story ) .
30 If you call him Moke I 'm the only person that calls i that calls him that , so he 'll know who you 're related to .
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