Example sentences of "[conj] [vb -s] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The art of task analysis always is to select what does matter , reject what does not matter and separate into categories or stages something which seems at first sight to have no internal boundaries .
2 Yeah cos does that stop now , or does it I mean , is that forever ?
3 Karenin also tells Anna he loves her as a husband but she does n't believe he is capable of love or knows what it is either .
4 If anyone has spotted it , or knows anyone whose life has in any way been affected by it , would they please let me know ?
5 However convinced you are , you will not convince someone who has tried drugs and enjoyed them , or knows someone who has .
6 If there 's one thing that disgusts me it 's cold porridge .
7 ‘ Now I 'm going to concentrate on my music and give my career more focus being with a company that understands what I 'm doing .
8 Put simply , if you wish to make a reactive intermediate , incorporate it into a molecule that contains something which is stable on its own .
9 It 's the atmosphere that causes it you know .
10 It 's the same sort of factor that allows anybody who smokes a lot to not get cancer and not get bronchitis and live , also live a long time .
11 We must have a system that uses what we spend more effectively .
12 I also could point out , again , the shameful irony that the most dramatic advances for women have been almost entirely confined to the industrial world ; that the worst declines have been in poor countries among those very women whose work creates the wealth that buys us our freedom .
13 Yeah well that shows what she 's .
14 And Ma'am that shows you I think er the chairman has it open in front of you .
15 Well that shows us what a dramatist was lost to the English stage when Milton finally decided to write it as an epic and not as a play .
16 Later on there was an incident that shows us his declining ambitions .
17 Better performance in 1993 must be everybody 's objective and despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth that surrounds us there has been plenty happening in our Division in 1992 to put us in good shape for the challenge of 1993 .
18 What we 've got here is a very conventional piece of logic that implements what I 've talked about .
19 They pounce on the man that appears whoever he is .
20 Somehow , I 'm sure that wild animals have a sixth sense that tells them they 're safe , even in the presence of their arch-enemy , man .
21 They can feed the hard , round ball which is the head , the softer round rump , and the firm back that tells them which direction the baby if facing .
22 Always hang on to something that tells them who they are — and tells me , too , in this case .
23 And somebody said to me at the last children 's mass , thank you , you 're the only one that tells us we 're not needed .
24 But then it is a small step to begin thinking of ( 18 ) as very similar to ( 20 ) , and thus Containing demonstrative or indexical elements : ( 20 ) That man ( ( the speaker indicates the man drinking champagne ) ) is Lord Godolphin And so it begins to look as if definite referring expressions may in general be used either in speaker reference or in semantic ( or attributive ) reference , and it is only the context of use that tells us which way to understand them ( Donnellan , 1978 ; Kaplan , 1978 ) .
25 Or we look at how strongly animals avoid things , and again that tells us something about how unpleasant the thing is to the animal .
26 Pictures that tells us our Royals ca n't bear to be together …
27 Let me see — yeah , yeah ’ — plastic keys riffling — ‘ we 've got a list that tells us who 's bought fridge freezers in the central London area in the past year …
28 You will see a face that tells you something : there is a story in that face .
29 ‘ The thing inside you that tells you what you are , ’ said the Thing .
30 A ‘ voice over ’ is the ‘ commentator ’ or other disembodied voice that tells you what is going on — or , usually , to go out and buy the product being advertised .
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