Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Like Kant , he leaves theologians with two broad choices : either to accept this account of the situation , with its absolute distinction between the relativities and contingencies of history and the truth of religion , or to search for some other framework within which to set up the question .
2 A local authority may be asked to provide a report from one of its own officers or to arrange for another person to provide a report as appropriate .
3 Furthermore , they were less likely to have applied to be taken on by the firm 's main competitor , which took over its order book , or to look for another job before leaving the firm .
4 First , it was not sensible to launch an application for inspection of the liquidator 's report or to seek for that purpose an adjournment of the examination being conducted under section 236 of the Insolvency Act 1986 .
5 The right-wing coalition knows better than to ask for any help from the Greens .
6 It was not intended to give this impression , and we take this opportunity to make that clear and to apologize for any embarrassment caused .
7 A compromise was eventually negotiated in which the space to the west of the building , originally planned as a garden , was devoted instead to a car park and to compensate for this loss of amenity , the Historic Buildings Council then agreed to pay for the provision of the jetty and roof garden .
8 The action document is expected to be produced within three months of the completion of the scrutiny report and to contain for each recommendation :
9 as if to compensate for this , he applied military techniques in the colony .
10 We welcome the advice that new retail development should be sited so as to reduce the number and length of car journeys and to provide for those who do not have access to a car .
11 And to qualify for that grant , you have got to submit two er your programme for the year and you 've got ta give the secretaries , you 've got to give a report and you 've got to give your balance sheet and er , Jean is always , I must say , very pleased with mine because erm you know , we do give quite a lot to charity .
12 Even these more sophisticated attempts to elaborate where power lies and to allow for some freedom of manoeuvre for the state in capitalism can between , however .
13 Failure to recognize and to allow for this may explain why , even after nine years of Thatcherite ‘ political clout ’ , doubt still exists about the extent of real cultural change within Whitehall and whether ‘ lasting reforms ’ have , or ever will be , achieved .
14 On many occasions we have increased the sensitivity of our measurements or made a new class of observations , only to discover new phenomena that were not predicted by the existing theory , and to account for these we have had to develop a more advanced theory .
15 When the couple had gone upstairs to bed , Mr Stephens packed his bag for the next day 's outing , bolted the doors firmly — for many of the men stayed in Cockermouth drinking for three or four days and would roam the streets at night looking for somewhere to sleep — and then , as if to atone for those first designs he had on Emily , he picked out Silas Marner from his bookshelf and wrapped it up as a present for her .
16 Maureen Timmins plans to sell some of Hamilton 's paintings to raise money for his retrial and to pay for another trip to America .
17 Faced with four alternative approaches to valuation — whether it should be based on capital values , rental values , maintenance costs or rebuilding costs — its choice was not to go for one of them , or even a mixture of two of them , but to go for all four of them .
18 Albireo is the faintest of the stars in the X , and is further away from the centre of the pattern , marked by Gamma ; but to compensate for this , Albireo is the loveliest double in the sky , with a golden-yellow primary and a 5.4-magnitude blue companion .
19 One is for the representative not to vote as an individual , but to cast for each position or proposition the number of votes cast for it by those ( s ) he is there to represent .
20 But to qualify for that you 've had , you 've actually got to be a councillor for six years , so I got half way there ,
21 The question is then , wrote Harsnet , whether to settle for less or start again .
22 The decision whether to ask for more money from the Home Office will be made by a special panel who meet on June 25 to discuss the issue , as well as deciding how to fund new security cameras for Warrington and police pay rises .
23 Educationists must modify or supplement teacher training courses so as to cater for those who will work in rural schools .
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