Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 I sometimes did little unexpected kid things out of my tenderness for her , and was always glad to be the one to take up tea for her if she was unwell , and so on , or to help her with the housework when she was servantless .
2 As long as people find the Christian story good there is reason to believe in it , or to believe it with the exception of some of the more minor matters such as virgin birth or the creation stories which they have had to decide are untrue ( or only symbolically true ) .
3 Nor do we ask the poet to combine the roles of priest and sage , or to enlighten us with revelations , or teach us the morality on which we should base our lives .
4 And so , unable either to believe in the significance of what he was doing or to regard it with indifference as an empty formality , all the time he was preparing for the sacrament he was conscious of a feeling of discomfort and shame in taking part in something he did not understand , which was therefore , an inner voice told him , deceitful and wrong of him .
5 Is this sort of thing on the increase because the authorities are more aware of the need to control and manipulate the photographers , or to present them with carefully chosen opportunities and photographers are under increasing pressures ?
6 It is because certain groups are held to exemplify the working of these laws that their structural positions or social attributes are held to possess a special explanatory power , or to equip them with a special ‘ totalizing ’ consciousness .
7 The only way to show work is to show it either absolutely by itself , in a very plain setting , so that you can notice every detail of how the light falls on it and so on , or to show it with other absolutely minimal works , so again you get this utter simplicity and you become very aware of the space in which the thing is hanging and so on , but there must be a very clear , simple setting , as indeed for new classicism , and I sometimes think that this kind of art is the son or grandson of new classicism , in which incidentally Britain was the leading country .
8 What better way to taunt the auld enemy than to treat them with such reckless contempt ?
9 Edmund Langley , born in 1342 and created Earl of Cambridge in 1362 , was granted part of the Warenne inheritance to maintain his estate , but his marriage to Isabella , youngest daughter of Pedro I of Castile , was used to further Gaunt 's diplomatic schemes rather than to provide him with an adequate endowment .
10 In other words , the aim is to neutralize a troublesome feeling rather than to replace it with a positive feeling .
11 Er and I can think of erm nothing better than to leave you with this slide er which I think sums up where we 're coming from today and what we 'd like you to take away from today .
12 There was no easier way of embarrassing another Arab state than to charge it with betrayal of the Palestinian cause .
13 In this way , people such as the Trobrianders of the Pacific , made famous by Malinowshi , spend a great deal of their energy producing goods of no practical value , mainly elaborate pieces of jewellery , for no other purpose than to exchange them with neighbours , and thereby maintain peaceful social relations .
14 That was a case in which a district board took it upon themselves to pull down Mr. Cooper 's house , which they regarded as unsatisfactory , and to burden him with the cost of demolition without having first given him any type of notice .
15 To retain the support of the landowners , the regime continued throughout the 1950s to channel state funds into the agricultural sector and to support it with protectionist policies which merely sustained inefficiency and low productivity .
16 This research aims to assess UK policies for technical innovation in this broad context and to compare them with similar policies in other countries .
17 Its aims are to examine the scale and operation of the informal risk capital market in the UK , to assess its contribution to closing the ‘ equity gap ’ , and to identify the characteristics of business angels in the UK and to compare them with their counterparts in North America .
18 The aim of the research is to document new developments in the organisation of farming in Estonia and to compare them with modern arrangements in Finland .
19 A broader academic aim is to relate the effects identified to other processes of retail change and to compare them with the impact of other major developments .
20 The Milky Way , presumably a translation of Ludwig Kuhn 's earlier German text of 1978 , is an attempt to give an up-to-date view of the Galaxy and to compare it with other galaxies .
21 This enabled us to calculate the ratio of cortex to ganglion cells for the region enclosed within the labelled sites and to compare it with the same ratio obtained for the rest of the retina .
22 I went on tour frequently from Simla to most of the main cities of India , speaking to Indian audiences and getting together groups of refugees from Burma to give them the latest news and to encourage them with hopes of victory and return .
23 What is more , we have sought to identify areas of disability that in the past have not had the attention that they deserve , and to meet them with the new benefits .
24 Help them to like what they see and to accept it with as much encouragement as you can give .
25 Therefore , three and a half years after the accident , Dawn accepted the amount offered , which was sufficient to pay back the £70,000 her father had spent on her treatment and a specially adapted car , and to provide her with an ongoing income to cover her living expenses .
26 To this end , schools were set up for peasant women and for prostitutes , who were numerous since Havana had previously been a notorious entertainment centre for North Americans , to give them an education and to provide them with some skills and training ready for the job market .
27 Dementia sufferers therefore need people to help them with personal and house care ; to safeguard them ( and others who may be affected ) from risks such as gas or road traffic , from harming themselves or others , or from being harmed by others ( for they may become vulnerable to attack , theft , etc ) , and to provide them with companionship and emotional support in their frequent loneliness and depression ( see Norman , 1982 ) .
28 I read in an old Practical Fishkeeping an article on setting up a South American general community , this set me thinking and I decided to set up a South American Catfish community with a view to keeping some of the more readily-available , but hard to breed catfish and to provide them with the optimum conditions and numbers to hopefully have some breeding success .
29 It saw its function not to produce curricular prescriptions but rather ‘ to extend the range of possibilities open to teachers , and to provide them with the most detailed research evidence on which their judgement can be exercised ’ .
30 An important role of the office is to alert researchers in UK higher education establishments to the opportunities available , and to provide them with advice on the programme most relevant to their research needs .
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