Example sentences of "[conj] [to-vb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If we are to proceed in our quest or to search our land we have to accept that we are unlikely to do so , unless we accept some measure of control ourselves .
2 The purpose for living could have been revenge , to build a new homeland , or to see their family .
3 The leaders would now have to resign , to change their policy , or to see their policy rejected by Lancashire Unionists early in the new year .
4 The client had wanted either custody or to see his child every day .
5 I shifted my weight on to my other foot , looked around the landing and up the stairs , half-expecting to see my father leaning over the banister rail , or to see his shadow on the wall of the landing above , where he thought he could hide and listen to my phone calls without me knowing .
6 An aggressive mob of youngsters had been closely dogging us for some time and , emboldened by our apparent failure to notice them or to quicken our pace , had begun throwing stones .
7 They do not want the Bill , privatisation or to lose their pension rights .
8 But Charlotte , Emily and Anne Brontë did not live to grow old or to enjoy their fame .
9 ‘ I did n't come a thousand miles , ’ he muttered into the microphone , ‘ to kill babies , or to support their killing .
10 A testator would not set out to establish a trust , or to confirm his will in trust form , hoping that in details his intention would take precedence over his words : the civil law already coped with these problems , and the law of trusts was able to follow rather than lead .
11 Do n't expect me to cover the sun , to flatten mountains and sand dunes or to heal your leg .
12 Or to catch their breath .
13 A confident person has no need to possess another person or to monopolise their time ;
14 The majority of the trade in , for example , pet parrots or snake skin handbags , is legal , but there is always a small minority of traders and buyers willing to break the law in order to obtain very rare species or to increase their profit margins .
15 In the second year , optional courses allow students to study electronic composition or modern American music , or to increase their knowledge of early music .
16 We are here to encourage any firm with plans for expansion or to increase their market share . ’
17 No time to play with the children , no time to take the dog for a walk or to try their hand at painting , boating or simply thoughtfully chewing a straw .
18 But if his defence is that it was not his intention to cause fear of violence or to provoke its use , his conduct might still come within the ambit of the subsection by virtue of its latter part .
19 And from this account of empirical meaning there naturally arises an account of what it is for someone to understand a statement , or to know its meaning :
20 Regression therapy does not play a role in all hypnotic treatment : if the patient wishes to give up smoking or to pass his driving test , for instance , then regression does not come into it .
21 For example , you may be able to obtain a grant to insulate your loft if your house is old and has no insulation at all ; or to replace your roof , or install proper plumbing and bathrooms , if your house is over 100 years old .
22 Hardest hit are those who can not afford either to service their loan or to sell their house .
23 Would you prefer to move to a flat — one without so much as a balcony and with no windowsills — or to concrete your garden over and spend your days watching your neighbours at work ?
24 Even if it began to howl or to wave its rattle , we would hardly claim that by so doing it was discriminating between the items mentioned and a myriad others ; indeed it would be odd to talk of its discriminating at all .
25 There are occasions when teachers would want detailed feedback for diagnostic purposes or to evaluate their teaching , but an assessment scheme which is tightly based on a large number of criteria would compel teachers to work to them even when it might not be appropriate to do so .
26 Management could be faced ‘ with severe economic losses if it failed to take into account their views , or to win their consent on issues which were felt to be of major importance by the workforce ’ ( p. 314 ) .
27 Whichever of these two views is being proffered , pluralists are arguing that the creation of the military-industrial complex is a conscious decision by individuals who arc well aware of what they arc doing They are self-consciously striving to subvert the political system to enrich themselves or to strengthen their position in society .
28 Do you study for enjoyment or to advance your career ?
29 If the committee resolves that a trustee who has used improper solicitation to obtain proxies or to procure his appointment as trustee , should nonetheless receive remuneration for acting as trustee , the court can override this resolution ( r 6.148(2) ) .
30 The EEIG can be used either to co-ordinate the activities of its participants , or to extend their range .
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