Example sentences of "[conj] [vb infin] i [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Rather than decorate I think we 'll just
2 Jan erm I 've just recently started a job as a drama teacher and I must say there is n't actually anything in the programme that 's actually on my A level syllabus for drama and I think it might be something er it a help to schools if maybe there was a play put on specifically schools to come and see I think to comment on . .
3 So this was quite a mission which I believe has not been adequately covered in the history and was a forerunner of things to come and like I say we got through that mission without any damage , our gunners got to shoot at the first German fighters and we were an experienced crew with one mission under our belt .
4 But then that question was asked last night erm from one chap about sport versus the arts and I suppose to me it is a quality of life issue erm where do you start an and stop I mean you have a problem when you have a recession do n't you , where you say okay we i we are in a recession we have got limited resources we have to make decisions .
5 ca n't you go and say I volunteer that my son has homework
6 Can I Can I just interrupt and say I 've forgotten .
7 I 'll bring my matches when I like take the dog in I 'll nip upstairs and say I 've got ta get something and I 'll just grab my matches out of there in case he 's lost them or something !
8 If he , he does n't want to talk about potential because it will er not make the , the , the necessary action immediate , but if he can come back and say I 've seen and I know what 's going on
9 I do n't daydream about things in my future very much because I must admit I have n't got much to daydream for — because I 'm very lucky , I 've got a lovely house , a lovely husband ; we go on lovely holidays , we lead a nice social life , I 've got lovely clothes — I ca n't really daydream and say I wish I was this , I wish I was that .
10 And you can it 's alright , it 'll only ask and say I do n't like it , put the proper one in , silly idiot .
11 Ee I said I think I 'm going to write and say I do n't know what you 're
12 I mean obviously if for example did n't ring up and say I want to sign your name your name tomorrow , I 'd ring her up to see whether she 'd lost her mind or something .
13 and say to him so and so and so and so he 'd always answer back and say I want to do it this way
14 I do n't want to come there and find I have nothing to do . ’
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