Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 or if not cared for , remembered .
2 I 'd give Rocky a chance on the right or if not move Kelly forward with Bardsley in behind ( kind of like the way Jack Charlton plays Terry Phelan behind Steve Staunton ) and probably go for a new left winger to help Dorigo ( sorry Mrs. Dorigo Anthony ) .
3 Or if not worrying them , then alerting them .
4 I think it 's sometimes falsely represented as being academic or being unreal or as not relating to the masses of women 's lives , and it 's out of my own experience I just want to be clear about this , it 's out of my own experience as an incest survivor , as a pornography survivor , my father worked in the porn industry , that I came to revolutionary feminism .
5 Note that although not required in law , corroboration of the victim 's evidence is looked for in practice .
6 In the event of the death of the husband within the seven year period , the liability to inheritance tax falls upon the transferee wife ( Inheritance Tax Act 1984 , s199 ) although if not paid within 12 months the husband 's personal representatives can be liable ( s199(2) ) .
7 Agreement is sought and where not reached a fair statement of disagreement is provided .
8 We had been privy to a re-enactment of the movements of a former working on the old harbour branch , and although not frightened we were all very puzzled by the strange sequence of events .
9 The Humbug ( Dascyllus aruanus ) is a good example and although not achieving the tactile relationship of the clowns , is usually found shoaling close to the anemone 's tentacles , darting away to hide in crevices around the anemone when approached .
10 It is set in Germany during the middle ages , and although not abandoning a ‘ fantasy ’ setting , its stance is rather more along the ‘ if what they believed about magic and legends were actually true ’ .
11 The issues of education , schools now are in control over their own budgets and if not handled properly will become a recipe for disaster .
12 The state field will be optional and if not specified , all DCs which have changed state since the specified date will be provided .
13 The state field is optional and if not specified , all DCs which have changed state since the specified date will be listed .
14 In American fiction solitude , if in any way chosen , is commonly the sign of an unhinged mind like Saul Bellow 's Herzog ; and if not chosen , a matter of earnest compassion .
15 Although there is no rule requiring them to do so , many district judges scrutinize the defences in small claims matters to see : ( 1 ) if they are viable and if not to make appropriate directions including a striking-out order and a requirement for a " full and proper " defence to be filed ; ( 2 ) if the matter can immediately be set down for arbitration with appropriate directions ; ( 3 ) if a PTR is necessary or can be dispensed with .
16 Please confirm the position , and if not endorsed that a suitable memorandum will be endorsed on or before completion .
17 jealousy is not a comfortable bedfellow and if not restrained can devour its creator .
18 Between 3 and 11% of patients will develop sustained ventricular arrhythmias following MI and 50% of these occur within the first 48 hours , and if not associated with further ischaemia , pump failure or multivessel disease they carry a good prognosis .
19 MP to check if SCSI card fitted , and if not to discuss specifications for a new machine .
20 When I took over , the ‘ Whads ’ were already twenty points adrift from the rest of football and while not seeing myself beyond blame entirely , my denial of any involvement in our downfall does not mean my commitment is any less than 110 per cent .
21 While believing that few teachers were intentionally racist , and while not accepting that racism was the sole cause of West Indian underachievement , the committee concluded that unintentional racism ( in the sense of stereotyped , negative or patronising views of West Indian children ) was widespread and did influence children 's performance .
22 ‘ I had developed a penchant for Southern Comfort over the years and when not running I soon began to surpass the 20 units of alcohol per week ‘ allowed ’ by the experts if you do n't wish to become addicted .
23 What they had in common was that they were all perceived by the development officers as requiring a good deal of care in order to be sustained at home , and as not having all those care needs filled by either informal or statutory carers .
24 The skew chisel is well known , and though not manufactured in recent times , the skew gouge has been utilised as a modification .
25 It 's a mild type , but if not treated it could suddenly develop into an acute form with increased coughing , loss of appetite , fever and fast breathing . ’
26 But if not initiated by the Communist Party it was at least orchestrated by them although , as Scott notes , the destruction of land and tax records was virtually a peasant tradition in colonial Vietnam .
27 Lewes drove them hard , but when not training he was wrestling with a different problem .
28 The audience were all staring at the stage — as though not daring to miss one moment .
29 He spoke quietly as though not to disturb anyone .
30 And when he too sat down again , he was that much nearer — this time as though not meaning to miss any nuance of an expression that came over her face .
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