Example sentences of "[conj] [subord] i will " in BNC.

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1 By next week there will be two rooms ready for occupation but whether I will find takers I do not know or if I will be up to providing the services required .
2 I do n't know if I want to marry him , or if I will whenever it comes to the crunch .
3 Or whether I 'll get one for Father 's Day ?
4 Or whether I 'll get one for Father 's Day ?
5 Yeah well , where as I will then !
6 ‘ Is — is that where I will be ? ’
7 Also , it is likely that although I will get custody of my daughter , he will also be given leave to see her every week , and likely for a longer period than he sees her now .
8 so she just told me that so I 'll have all the news of Colin tomorrow they 've gone for a week
9 I I I I think that there is a peculiar problem here , and , and that is , that whilst I will fully agree with that judges should be kept or keep in touch with the usages and habits of modern society and how it 's changing .
10 The point to make is that light can be thrown on the role of judicial control of government activity by looking at how it operates in relation to particular areas of government activity , and although I will not attempt to do so in any systematic way in this book , the reader would do well to bear this approach in mind .
11 Erm and although I will briefly go through some technical ones erm motion number two to erm er because it 's in relation to growth savings that we have the differences between the budgets and which are actually being er proposed and er I suppose we do need to go through number six carefully as well about structural maintenance funds .
12 And if I wo n't stay ? ’ she managed to croak , the prospect of being imprisoned in this fortress of suspicion with a man like Marc Alexander Vila filling her with horror .
13 And if I will kill for you , my dallta , will I not lie for you also , to make your heart clear again ?
14 They think this is mature and because I wo n't take any they treat me like I 'm a wimp .
15 I know , I say that , and the , the only thing is I was upset over the Leah Manning , being taken off the ambulance you see and whether I will get back I 'm hoping I will because erm he said he will let me know before Christmas so I think he will , he came to Leah Manning to visit me any rights to see me about it , so it was good of him really
16 Christ knows if and when I will see them again . ’
17 They are my only remaining close family and though I wo n't hang on to them I have worried about feeling lonely .
18 By next week there will be two rooms ready for occupation but whether I will find takers I do not know or if I will be up to providing the services required .
19 Is it after cos I 'll a
20 But now it looks as though I 'll have to . ’
21 It looks as though I wo n't need skin grafts but we 're not sure yet .
22 Except it looks as though I wo n't be washing up something here .
23 ‘ I just want to play and it looks as though I will . ’
24 So on balance , it looks as though I will be doing the replanting and afforestation for Fairfax .
25 Although there is an outside chance of another house being found before the 11am deadline , Mr Diplexcito said yesterday : ‘ It looks as though I will be here when they arrive . ’
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