Example sentences of "[conj] [vb mod] do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , if users hold excessive expectations about whether accounts can indicate subsequent financial collapse , that will create an expectations gap regardless of what auditors can or should do about it .
2 The mark of the adjudicator is simply that he is called upon to decide what parties in dispute should have done or should do in the circumstances of a particular case .
3 As I have indicated on page 48 , there are a lot of other things an agency can or might do for you , and lots of departments it could have to do it .
4 Maxwell-Fyfe replied that virulent anti-Americanism was confined to a small minority , but he made the most of the opportunity to spell out the extent of British alarm over what the Americans were doing or might do in the Far East .
5 Well , er we 're very lucky that er Oxford 's pretty well covered , yes , we 've , or could do with some more volunteers of course , but we 've got about one hundred and twenty people who 'll be going out in the city , and I was looking at a map this morning and it 's very well covered indeed with purple and yellow lines where we 've actually got people on the ground .
6 I like to tell others about what I do or would do at work
7 What I done on that night was no more than any other police officer does or would do in the same situation .
8 There are also times when you need to find out how much your students know or can do with language .
9 The broom was there , sawdust , a pile of dirty pots , two kegs of ale , but nothing that might do for a skirt .
10 ‘ What seems now a cloud no bigger than a man 's hand could turn out to be yet another inflationary and political storm for a government that could do without either . ’
11 Already I have the feeling that I 'm a bit too thin — that Anna , whose house I am at , will say that I was never fat in the first place : ‘ Oh , you 're all right , skinny ribs ’ ; that mixture of dismissal and envy she uses , excluding me from the problems of other girls , from real problems like her fat thighs , or her backside that could do with ‘ half an hour on a bacon slicer ’ , as she puts it .
12 As in any software , there are bits here and there that could do with a polish , but , overall , Mainlan GTI for Windows does everything you 're likely to want in a small network environment .
13 Now there 's another element of business correspondence that could do with some attention and purpose behind it .
14 There ought to be a prayer that would do for all men , all the murdered bodies all over the world .
15 If you have a pattern that will do for an ordinary machine I would be very grateful .
16 Now I want you to find something that will do for guns and fur caps and a saucepan for Emily to cook wolf stew in — ;
17 We need a healthy recognition of the fact that we are a rather big-headed little species in a vast cosmos that can do without us , thank you very much !
18 Not everyone can negotiate discounts or travel to shows , though in most cases you should get a discount for buying a complete set up , and may do for investing in several expensive fish at once .
19 Within democratic societies like our own there is much more that librarians can do and should do against censorship .
20 It was a move from a concern with the intrinsic character of the student 's experience to an interest in what the student knew and could do at the end of the course .
21 I have n't been to a Leeds match for absolutely ages and could do with any info on getting hold of tickets , which parts of the ground need tickets and the best places to stand/sit … and park the car etc .
22 The interpreter presents the message in the way the speaker does in his source language , and would do in the target language if he could .
23 It is a place where people live and work , as they have done in the past and will do in the future .
24 And this is why it will be particularly damaging to introduce the tests proposed by the Secretary of State to monitor what children know and can do at fixed ages , 7 , 11 , and 14 .
25 We advertised , in fact , for people who wanted to smoking but could do with a little help , because I really do think that women do need a little help , a bit of support to do this .
26 well I do n't know , but could do with it years ago
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