Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Catch a man bitching about healthhazards and conditions and going out on strike over no papertowels in the toilet or nagging over the lack of day nursery facilities
2 However , there are those theories that have their basis in a totally materialistic and mechanical belief system , not observation , and which interpret the evidence to prove the theory , ignoring or glossing over the anomalies .
3 At the same time Gardiner takes a curiously prudish line on the emotional mainsprings of Epstein 's art by denying or glossing over the disturbing sexual elements in his pre-1914 work , including ‘ Rock Drill ’ and in later pieces such as ‘ Jacob and the Angel ’ .
4 I like this — in high winds there 's no chance of the flysheet flapping around or flying over the tent .
5 But a visit to Vanessa , ‘ humming & booming & flourishing over the hill ’ in a household of children , could make Virginia feel suddenly diminished , her life thin and pale by comparison , Monk 's House poky and mean .
6 All right then — ’ he edged closer so that he was whispering rather than shouting over the juke-box ‘ — here 's the nastiest rumour I 've ever heard about Steenie — really nasty rumour .
7 Greenpeace was accused of scientific sloppiness , so it appointed a director of science and two people to work with him , a recognition in its way that zipping over the waves in pursuit of whalers was not enough to keep it in the forefront in these intellectually demanding days of climate change .
8 The sea is calm , but such ripples as there are flick the light from the sun about and refract the view of the pebbles so that staring over the edge of the kayak is like peeing into a kaleidoscope over whose speed of rotation you have no control .
9 Are things now so bad for Labour that glancing over the assembled new talent , one says ‘ Watch Netherthwaite , he could be a future leader of the opposition ’ ?
10 He assumed , however , that rather than evolving over the ages to suit their environment , they had been ‘ ready-made ’ by God to the perfect design needed for where He placed them .
11 An interesting effect can be obtained by brushing a few strokes of water onto the paper and drawing over the top .
12 An interesting effect can be obtained by brushing a few strokes of water onto the paper and drawing over the top .
13 Fat couples in vacation plaids , bouncing about like toddlers in the low g and cooing over the moondirt souvenir jewellery .
14 subsequently after about ten flights , and porting over the books , and speaking to people who serviced them during the war years , they discovered that all it needed was a well-placed whack with a hammer on the trailing edge of the aileron .
15 Once Dandelion struck the smell of a stoat and they all joined him , whispering and sniffing over the ground .
16 20ft seas were running into the entrance and crashing over the sea walls and visibility was virtually non-existent in the rain , spume and spray .
17 I was looking for drugs and walking over the aerosol cans .
18 The sudden descent into abuse took McLeish by surprise and he realized he must have shown it , because the girl literally got a grip on herself , folding her arms and hunching over the table .
19 We drove out of the city on the now four-laned highway , passing the airport and driving over the bridge where I silently saluted the ancient tower standing in the tide-water below , the place where the Sheikha had fallen from her camel .
20 ‘ The idea of nicking a Stones riff and putting it behind a James Brown backbeat and howling over the top is pretty appealing , but it 's not really what we 're into as a band .
21 ‘ The idea of nicking a Stones riff and putting it behind a James Brown backbeat and howling over the top is pretty appealing , but it 's not really what we 're into as a band .
22 They flew in a magical world of silence , swooping and gliding over the dark world below where all the earthly people were fast asleep in their beds .
23 This seems an odd reversal of the usual rule that Arctic animals are whiter , but otherwise they behaved as fulmar do in Shetland , appearing to spend much of their time flying and gliding over the sea .
24 It is a cruel sport at best , but the poor show the matadors and toreadors made by running for the outer rail and escaping over the fence when the enraged bull pursued them was not a creditable sight ; I spent my time , for as long as I stayed , cheering for the bulls .
25 The lake birds appeared to be healthy enough , but they were always scrounging food from the tourists and picking over the debris that washed up on the lake shore .
26 One at Duisker has a flat stone slab on the ground to the north of it some yards away ; standing on the slab and looking over the upright stone points to Kildalton but is there any significance ?
27 The influence of Jupiter currently in Cancer and passing over the mid-heaven point of your solar chart is quite awe-inspiring but somewhat difficult to harness .
28 If the sheer grit of Craig Pain 's men in wresting victory from Tongan grasps filled the Crown Colony cup with good cheer what was to come next sent if cascading over the brim as the Fijians opened the floodgates to drown the New Zealand assault on their sevens citadel .
29 We finished our coffee and watched the seagulls whirling and shrieking over the harbour in the spring sunshine .
30 Roll out the marzipan on a surface dusted with icing sugar or cornflour to a large circle and use to cover the cake , tucking the edges underneath and smoothing over the curve .
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