Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] up their " in BNC.

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1 By making written work ( of all kinds — including Maths , Science and Artwork for example ) a part of their drama we provide a sort of safety net , a " No Penalty Zone " in which they can pretend to be someone other than themselves writing their letter , wording their advertisement or drawing up their menu …
2 So whether your students are studying for exams or brushing up their English for professional reasons , this dictionary will deliver the answers — often before the question has even been asked !
3 At best , it treats these categories independently , situating psychological subjects in one or the other , or adding up their deviancies .
4 When some boys at the school put excrement under the headmaster 's chair , he contrasted the culprits unfavourably with true school sportsmen : ‘ Last Friday I was feeling pretty low when I found out about this lot … but then I went to football on Saturday , there were several lads and teachers there , playing their hearts out or giving up their time just for the school , and then I thought , ‘ Perhaps , it 's not so bad after all . ’
5 This is an alternative to war which states could in theory accept without giving up their own moral values , going back on their own factual claims , losing their dignity in the community of nations , or giving up their political endeavours to persuade others to their point of view .
6 A section 6(2) order should be directed to individual transactions with payment being directed to be made to individual investors upon the individual investors retransferring their Euramco shares or delivering up their Euramco share certificates .
7 I mean they 're not doing their own housework or clearing up their own rubbish , they 're doing it for you .
8 On the third day , SHe waited until the Quiet , those couple of hours before Eleusis opened for business when most people were resting or tanking up their psyches and libido for work .
9 To me it emphasises the speech more strongly , shows the characters breaking into speech rather than hanging up their speech marks to say ‘ Please , may I speak now ? ’
10 That is , the word or words of the lexia are doing more than giving up their meaning as words .
11 Rather than setting up their own discount arm , food retailers could simply sell cut-price brands in their superstores .
12 ‘ Until last October authorities were expecting this money to be ringfenced so did not consider this client group when they were consulting and drawing up their assessment models , ’ he said .
13 Once upon a time Fenna had brooded on a hoard for so many years and with such desire that it had quickened and grown , diamonds breeding and bringing up their young under his weight .
14 Many insects spend nearly all their lives as such larvae , growing bigger and building up their stores of food .
15 After the liberation they had found their old apartment undamaged , moved back in and set about recreating their old life of searching out young artists , arranging exhibitions for them and building up their own collection of European art .
16 Noting that rats tend naturally to be either left- or right-pawed in reaching for and picking up their food , he constrained them to reach for their food with the non-preferred paw and reported changes in RNA and protein synthesis in the region and side of the brain responsible for the motor coordination of the ‘ learning ’ paw compared with the ‘ non-learning ’ side .
17 Lexington society were present and the newspapers had been busy taking photographs and writing up their accounts for the morning editions .
18 Some karateka can cope with watching the action and measuring up their adversary while others prefer to retire outside the tournament arena to somewhere quiet .
19 They could thus prevent any group of workers going off and setting up their own workshop in competition to the merchant and capitalist class .
20 Byrne was simply superb , making everything happen for Bangor and setting up their winner .
21 It senses that division managers are both suspicious of their motives and covering up their suspi-cions .
22 If the top were to accuse the subordinates of being suspicious and covering up their suspiciousness , that could clearly upset the division heads .
23 After two or three minutes , by which time the typists were switching off and covering up their machines , Alan emerged from his office and handed Sylvia a cassette .
24 But taking up their suggestions and using their materials was always optional ; and they had little power to change the general attitude of the public towards the ‘ non-academic ’ .
25 As well as bringing up their three children — Andrea , six , Charlotte , five , and Pierre , three — on her own , Caroline , 34 , has become the boss of the eight companies owned by the Italian oil heir .
26 But it tells authorities to seek legal advice when writing up their own guidelines to staff .
27 IT WAS Julian Critchley — genial man of letters , biographer of Michael Heseltine , wholesale supplier of parliamentary anecdotes ( repeat orders a speciality ) and also a Tory MP — who noted that ‘ politicians are happiest when talking , at their most miserable when making up their minds . ’
28 He is a most welcome supporter of the Bill It would be helpful if I brought the House up to date on what has happened during the past year , so that hon. Members can take recent developments into account when making up their minds if and when they vote later .
29 The DES asked governing bodies to be sympathetic to the needs of the local community when setting up their lettings policy .
30 They like to perch on rocks — the higher the better — and you should consider this when setting up their tank .
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