Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Every movement within a form teaches him to defend by blocking or manoeuvring and then to attack with a strike or a kick .
2 For example : C for card or cracker , S for saviour or stocking and so on .
3 But fundamentally what succeeds is what keeps people listening or watching and so forth , and I 'm suggesting that that 's something to do , it , it 's something to do with being interesting and relevant and catching the imagination of that particular audience group .
4 The tide was coming in and , as he rounded the rocks which screened the Cove , he saw two things : a courting couple doing what he felt to be far more than courting and then something a little further away which made his heart miss a beat .
5 Now you are stronger , wiser and finer in every way — more concerned with doing than dreaming and no longer a people-pleaser .
6 And a legitimate hook because people are concerned about food and eating and so forth , and that , that would have been a hook you could grab people with , and most people would have thought ‘ That would be something I want to read about . ’
7 ‘ You ca n't stop twisting and scheming and now Sam 's life is in danger because of it . ’
8 Catarrhs of mucous membranes ; discharges start thin and excoriating and later become more thick and bland .
9 By using public transport , cycling and walking and so on , we are actually wasting far less of the world 's oil and all the other resources used to make cars .
10 So there 'll be a change round of the the staging and seating and so on .
11 They were talking and laughing and generally having a good time .
12 The movements were fumbling and searching and somehow groping .
13 Washing and dressing and also feeding were classified as requiring no supervision , supervision only , or help on at least one occasion .
14 and then you take your long end and you wind above covering the edge and overlapping and then the low , then covering the edge and overlapping , there and again you keep working your way up and down , a figure of eight until you get to the end of your bandage then tie away from the body in your reef knot , either you tuck your ends in or if that 's awkward you can just put a sticking plaster over the ends to get them out of the way like that , so just tuck the ends in and I do n't think your casualty 's going to need a sling for a little graze like that
15 Propelled forward by the shrieking aunts , who were bringing up the rear , they stumbled in , falling over the pots and pans and bumping into the dangling kettles , dropping their sacks and shouting and generally making the most satisfactory uproar imaginable .
16 Abnormalities of electrical control activity have been associated with dysmotility of the gastric antrum , paroxysmally with nausea and vomiting and persistently with chronic intractable vomiting .
17 If he was incapable and vomiting and so on , you 'd take him in for his own consideration .
18 The sensation moved around inside her , filling her up , shuffling , searching , passing through to leave her sick and trembling and curiously empty .
19 waiting and waiting and then it 's Christmas again in n it ?
20 There seems no readiness in our government to listen and learn for argument , no capacity for trust and no ability to face the facts which include the vital issues morale and motivation , ways of running things which you simply ca n't put down to cost accountants , but which is absolutely essential to do with solidarity and caring and so on to make things actually work , and as for economics , whenever econor economy from the Germans , upwards or downwards so to speak , is in trouble the future is clearly frightening is n't it ?
21 Maslow suggests that human needs operate in a hierarchy , that people are always wanting and expecting and so the satisfaction of one level of the hierarchy stimulates demand for the next level .
22 Local authorities had their fingers burnt before when they tried to get the software up and running and then found that the Government were changing the rules .
23 How many more years shall we have to wait before we have as up and running and as efficient a marketing system for British products as they have in France , Holland and Denmark ?
24 They were classic newly-weds , unable to take their eyes or their hands off each other , laughing and joking and clearly very happy .
25 I never found it to be a boring job , erm if it is boring I think it 's because they 're only making it , if they make it that way and I think it 's partly due , if they , if people do talk that way then I think it 's partly due to the sort of duty systems that people work now , and erm the number of hours they work , and , and strangely for little things like the introduction of television , I think television , very nice in its way but it 's killed life on fire stations and in certain areas , cos the whole business of conversation and learning and so on has gone , people would much sooner sit nowadays in front of the television and be entertained for an evening , instead of using all the other skills and , and erm things that are offered to them .
26 But Floy said , in an expressionless tone , ‘ Do go on , ’ and Caspar looked at Floy doubtfully , because he was not altogether sure of Floy yet and he had the feeling that Floy might very well be thinking and assessing and generally not revealing all his feelings .
27 ‘ I liked the way that , we 'd be on the bandstand playing and he 'd just be walking around and playing and just look at you and kind of tip his head , you 'd play and then he 'd start playing when he wanted you to stop !
28 How far can the actors depart from their parts with improvization and adlibbing and yet remain within the accepted , culturally defined , conventions ?
29 The empirical approach is concerned with what is and what can be seen and touched , proceeding on the basis of testing and retesting and largely rejecting dogma and abstract or coherent grand designs for change .
30 And it did hit , so that I did suitable amount of gasping and goggling and even Mala drew in her breath with a hiss .
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