Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] back [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lay or roll back the insulation using a brush to push the material into the angle of the rafter ventilator to avoid any cold spots
2 She paused a moment , uncertain whether to follow the other two or go back the way they had come .
3 His programme — a heady mix of big spending and big cutting — may not cure Brazil 's inflation-fevered economy , slay the recession or win back the faith of foreign creditors .
4 Such technology is the product of a company with roots that go back a long way in the history of sportswear .
5 Then the next morning when he was still sleeping it off , Doris 'd go off to the pub herself and have a few , and bring back a quart of mild , and they 'd get drunk again together .
6 ‘ You feel , perhaps , that it would be a marvellous thing to go to the Counterweight Continent and bring back a shipload of gold ? ’
7 It really is exciting and something which it 's difficult to express and even better if we can do something for Herefordshire and bring back a winner .
8 One firm is even arranging for convoys of lorries to travel with the coaches to France and bring back the booty .
9 In the story , those invited to attend made excuses ; a response which so infuriated the host that he ordered his servant to ‘ Hurry out to the streets and alleys of the town , and bring back the poor , the crippled , the blind , and the lame . … ’
10 On trips into London after we 'd finally moved to Wales , I would raid skips and bring back the booty on the car roof-rack .
11 It would prevent more tragedies like Michael Watson 's and bring back the skill to the game .
12 The number of days lost through strikes is lower than at any time since 1979 , and people ought to know that Labour policies would sweep all that away and bring back the sort of industrial anarchy that existed in 1978-79 .
13 And bring back the glasses .
14 Willy away and and bring back the matches please .
15 Stuff the jacuzzi and send back the limo — Bivouac just wan na plod !
16 You 've got to lift the whole lot off the wall and unthread the curtains and put back the right number of rings and hooks and it 's a palaver and I have n't done it .
17 Thus children have to suppress their grief , and hold back the tears and pain .
18 The point of contact between British and French colonies was still on the seacoast , and here the British regular forces and the colonial militia co-operated effectively and captured the fortress of Louisbourg , which the French had fortified at immense cost to command the entrance to the St. Lawrence and hold back the British in Nova Scotia .
19 It was still convenient to hold that the Labour Party relied on a " left " Party " which will stand between the Communist Party and the Labour Party and hold back the British workers from following the revolutionary policy of the Communist International " .
20 In Meswick hunters can find lodging in the Mushroom Cap Motel and tip back a few beers at the Mushroom Bar at the end of a long day 's tramp .
21 It had taken only a little practice to discover how to lie there , flat on her back , and slowly , with great care , peel away the roof beam and open back the two vast panes of glass .
22 Stones break open on the windswept high plateau and fires are lit to defy the bitter chill and summon back the rays of the sun god , Inti .
23 2 Push down the clutch plate ( a ) and draw back the piston rod ( b )
24 The ‘ Economist ’ , in March ‘ 78 , doubted whether Thatcher could ‘ forge a new majority of the right ’ and reckoned that her ‘ crusade to balance the books and roll back the government ’ was not finding much popular resonance .
25 Nicholas Ridley was a political firebrand even keener than Mrs Thatcher to dismantle what he called the nanny state and roll back the effects of years of nationalisation .
26 As it passes over a toll point in the road ( essentially a wire loop buried in the surface ) a radio beam from the loop will interrogate the number plate and feed back the vehicle number to a central computer .
27 The days of mad spending are gone and exhibitors are looking to cover their costs and pay back the bank as soon as possible .
28 The Football Association aims to stop hooliganism and win back a good public image .
29 Because we have ‘ contrasting styles ’ , and go back a way , and are both novelists ?
30 Britain will be able to approach the European Community , and the critical period of our own presidency later this year , with determination to defend British interests and turn back the follies of the Euro-federalists , without the need for a constant backward eye upon political threats and divisions at home .
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