Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] we [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Having failed to break us politically or silence us through censorship , the role of the death squads is to kill us . ’
2 If you are interested in our products but are unable to visit us please phone or fax us for our mail order lists .
3 Like Matthew , we will keep creating realities which coax or provoke us into feeling anger — by being hurt , by suffering from injustice , by seeing a world full of hatred and cruelty .
4 us fifty winters more or drop us at this one now
5 OR ring us for a schedule of all our courses .
6 To find out more , simply clip the coupon below , or ring us on 358 .
7 For your personal information pack on Fincas Las Limas return the coupon or contact us by phone or fax .
8 Though I warn you , ’ he gestured threateningly , ‘ do n't waste my time or engage us in meddlesome , wasteful tricks .
10 So , pack your cycle clips and either pick up a brochure from your local travel agent or call us on freephone .
11 For full details see your travel agent or Call us on 01–
12 For a full list of the CD-ROMS , either ask at the Enquiry desk in the Library , or call us on one of the telephone extensions given in the information panel .
13 They are narrative , and tell us of a situation , or prepare us for some significant message : Once having told us the story , set the mood , and prepared us for the shout of a choir of angels , Handel could paint a triumphant musical fresco with just a few poetic words :
14 Contact us at Women 's Design Service , 18 Ashwin Street , London E8 3DL , or phone us on 071 241 6910 .
15 Ties that bind us to mother
16 Should we just enjoy the things that touch us in a painting or should it spur us on to learn more ?
17 Erm , everything else we 've looked at , there are either statutory problems or other problems that prevent us from charging .
18 In stressing the challenges that face us in health and safety it is not to ignore the environmental challenge however we recognize it needs to be considered much more widely so that our resources can be most effectively targeted .
19 I always look forward to doing the show 'cause we meet all our friends that watch us on television , do n't we Jeffrey ?
20 We always promote the sons-of-bitches that kick us in the ass ! ’
21 Just to give you an idea of the order of magnitude we are talking about , the number of generations that separate us from our earliest ancestors is certainly measured in the thousands of millions .
22 The time has come for the Prime Minister to stop playing Conservative party politics with the issues and to rise to the real level of the challenges that confront us in Britain , everyone in Europe and , indeed , every inhabitant of the planet .
23 This is 1990s Britain 's worst nightmare , according to scientists who have launched a unique investigation of the terrors that wake us in a cold sweat .
24 In addition to the firearms that tell us about and the door opener , was any other equipment issued to the officers ?
25 Beneath its Olympian surface , Greek culture evinces an unmistakable and unique sensitivity to the painful truth about life : the Dionysiac truth that befall us from birth to inevitable death> .
26 I do n't know — nobody does , and I can not resist a smile of despair every time I see one of those gardening page headlines that advise us to ‘ prune those roses now ’ and such like .
27 Secondly , if it is not the rules of the sentence that enable us to be meaningful and to perceive meaning , then what is it ?
28 providing tension to the girders ( bones ) and cables ( tendons ) that keep us from crumpling to the ground at any instant .
29 Memories become bitter-sweet events in our lives that remind us of our grief but also of the pleasure of the relationship we had .
30 ‘ This bagpipes , they are sounding that remind us of our doina .
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