Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [adv prt] his " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I do feel strongly that John Major can take loyalty too far and his friends may prove to be a millstone or albatross around his neck . ’
2 I come in and put the bedside light on , and he lies there with his eyes half-open , conscious but immobilized , as if he were under some strange paralysing drug , unable to tell me what the trouble was , unable to nod or smile or shake off his dream .
3 Or hack off his head and boil it
4 He was capable of wanting nothing all day , of sending every meal away and not allowing Teresa in , even to make up his fire or turn down his bed , and then , around midnight , calling for his breakfast and complaining he was cold because the fire had gone out .
5 I follow him and peer over his shoulder .
6 Instead he would walk down to the river , take the path to the bridge and pick up his Police Review at Braddan 's on his way home .
7 Meantime , he reminded himself , since the entire company was now assembled , he had better be about sending off Father Boniface 's errand-boy to find Aldhelm at Upton among his sheep , and ask him to come down to the abbey when his work for the day was over , and pick out his shadowy Benedictine from among a number now complete .
8 That would have been sufficient to deprive John Major of a majority and bring down his government .
9 In Wright 's case , Taylor has had sports psychologist John Gardner attached to the squad , in an effort to ease his nerves and bring out his bright side .
10 But one of Clarke 's sons with a turfe spade , which they call a peate iron , ( a very keen thing , ) struck Sir Edward 's man on the head and cloave out his brains .
11 This would relax the diaphragm and push up his lung .
12 He would just ease up there and tap out his slow old rhythm with his feet — one leg knocking out quarter notes , the other eighths .
13 Between now and the early spring he will continue to consult people and build up his plans for the crucial meeting with ministers .
14 At the same time as this another organisation was being formed , The Peoples Education Movement , ( P.E.M. ) the aims of which , although suitably vague , were to provide a non-partisan platform from which Dr.Williams could continue his lectures and build up his support .
15 Rather than compromise on these principles , he preferred to withdraw from the scene and wait out his opponents .
16 When he lay down to sleep the peasants killed him and cut around his outline .
17 Just pull his shirt out and mess up his hair a little , and his friends would be happy .
18 Then Jovo with his club knocked down the wall and let out his mother , and they wept and embraced and he took her far away .
19 Jack dropped into his chair and let out his breath on a ragged sigh .
20 They 'd taken the plug out of his boiler just the same and let off his mill-dam without a thought for what it was going to cost him — and them , he 'd see to that — in the long run .
21 Though he was shorter than Jezrael , he had a tendency to put back his bullet head and sneer down his nose at her .
22 The man leaned forwards and spread out his hands .
23 Dougal raised his eyebrows and spread out his hands , palms upwards , as if conceding defeat .
24 Oliver turned out his pockets and spread out his loot on the ground .
25 Blunt felt the sweat break out in his armpits and trickle down his ribs .
26 Mark Twain was so impressed he included a description in his work The Innocents Abroad : ‘ I watched the Silver Swan which had a living grace about his movements and a living intelligence in his eyes — watched him swimming about as comfortably and unconcernedly as if he had been born in a morass instead of a jewellers ' shop — watched him seize a silver fish from under the water and hold up his head and go through all the customary and elaborate motions of swallowing it ’ .
27 His followers sing a dirge and ride round his barrow , as indeed do Beowulf 's .
28 When a shaman opens his mouth dozens of tiny spiders skitter between his teeth and run up his nose .
29 ‘ Were a benighted inhabitant of Otaheite to feel the wretchedness of his present life , and lift up his soul to the god he worshipped as a supreme being … no doubt God would hear such a prayer . ’
30 As Marx himself argued , the sphere of social life outside employment is indeed where the individual labourer has the best chance of achieving some degree of identity , autonomy and control over his or her life .
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