Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Each time the Collective Ghost clutches at someone they must make a successful WP test or suffer the same effect ; if they are already suffering from despair , the effect lasts an extra D10 turns .
2 Faced with the same situation , not all scientists will reach the same decision or adopt the same strategy .
3 You can not counterfeit forty years ' honest work , or get the same result by being a clever young man who prefers vanilla to orange or heliotrope to lavender perfume .
4 Combine the processes , or perm the same tresses more than once , and the result can be hair that 's dry , brittle and plagued by split ends .
5 This does not mean that we all display the same feelings about God or become the same temperamental type .
6 Many thought it would get worse ( 36% ) or stay the same ( 39% ) .
7 Suffice it here to note that I do not mean that all religions are really saying the same thing ; that differences do not matter , that they all have basically the same origins , or fulfil the same functions .
8 Chapter 6 deals with those cases where the husband is ordered to convey or transfer his interest in the matrimonial home upon certain terms or settle the same upon certain trusts .
9 Many of the factors ( social or otherwise ) which may affect either the need for or the cost of delivering health care are unevenly distributed , often in small pockets , and do not present in the same way — or have the same social meaning — in different parts of Britain .
10 No one else would go to those lengths or have the same passion about things . ’
11 reverse it on the back or have the same on the back
12 This section is concerned with the introduction and application of certain particularly useful types of equivalent circuit that display the same form of linear small-signal response as any nonlinear four-terminal network .
13 If the bulge is axisymmetric , lines of sight that make the same angle on either side of the centre will appear equally bright .
14 If you do see a sign like that please , or any words that mean the same thing , like no refunds , no money refunded , no money refunded on sale goods any of those phrases , will you please let Trad your nearest Trading Standards Office know .
15 Moreover , verbs that involve the same primitive automatically have the same case frame , eliminating the duplication of effort seen with the other approaches .
16 This does not fit , however , with the reef limestones and it certainly does not fit with the other facies that show the same persistence .
17 Identical spellings for words that sound the same are not a real problem .
18 it 's also the animal so that you 're actually left with three er words that sound the same , two of which are spelt differently and the third which is the name of an animal , okay .
19 It is important to note that homologous structures do n't have to look the same , and that structures that look the same do n't have to be homologous .
20 Networks that exhibit the same terminal behaviour as some device , system or more complicated network are naturally known as equivalent circuits .
21 Coping strategies are unthinkingly deployed which tend at the least to be ineffective , and which often produce unintended , unwanted side-effects that breach the same or other injunctions .
22 ESC founders Michael Bogdanov and Michael Pennington director and star of the Shakespeare tragedy say they would rather stay away from the Civic , one of the strongest dates on their world tours , than face the same problem again .
23 Charles Leece , of Ferranti , emphasised industry 's need for resists that give the same results every time , and that are free of impurities larger than 0.1 micrometres .
24 Couple of points though about this erm , how the parish council is recognized within the organization because it 's important and that did our day as well and , I suppose in a way it 's the one , one or so positive things out of this that we kind of latch on to , that the communication part is important and erm there may be others that feel the same way that we 're not actually communicating what it is that we 're doing , so , so maybe
25 If a stretch of river holds more than one shoal of bream that patrol the same beat , then the only way they can pass each other when feeding on the same beat at the same time , is for one shoal to pass over the other .
26 To sort out the various pitches and decide if the language is tonal or not , you therefore need a frame with pitches that stay the same relative to each other .
27 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
28 Limiting the studies included to those that use the same measure of quality of life might lend a table some face validity .
29 In response , it is not difficult to produce examples from the practice of science that illustrate the same point , namely , that what observers see , the subjective experiences that they undergo , when viewing an object or scene is not determined solely by the images on their retinas but depends also on the experience , knowledge , expectations and general inner state of the observer .
30 On this definition , sexist language might not mean only expressions that exclude , insult or trivialise women , but also those that do the same thing to men .
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