Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [adv prt] at " in BNC.

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1 Achieving a maths mark in double figures ( all tests are marked out of 50 ) was about as likely as Iceland winning the Eurovision song contest or Michael Jackson growing up to be normal ( or growing up at all come to that ! ) .
2 ‘ Practically the only good thing which can be said about the patronage system , ’ said the Archdeacon , ‘ is that it prevents dioceses selling off or pulling down at least some few of their beautiful buildings . ’
3 He appealed for members to comment by ringing Brenda on Middlesbrough 244860 or calling in at the club .
4 On a table in the hall was a pile of letters , addressed to officers who might be dead , or in prison camps , or coming back at any moment … .
5 He congratulates himself on not fainting or throwing up at any of this and drinks heavily for the rest of the evening .
6 And because nothing ever seems healthier or more warming than looking back at something we have just done and realising , ‘ Mmmm .
7 it has n't really been erm all that eventful but at least by staying put rather than going off at , I , I 'd , I 'd thought about , at one time , erm emigrating to New Zealand but er erm when I found out what the conditions were like out there I decided to stay and er
8 After a hard days slog in the office making real-life management decisions , there is nothing your average manager likes doing more than sitting down at home making pretend management decisions governing the career development of an amoeba .
9 Instead of quitting the music business she should have learned to use it for singing rather than mouthing off at every opportunity .
10 Even if she could n't get a game , there 'd be something going on at the club , and it would be better than moping around at home .
11 Harry laughed about this , saying that childbirth was like shelling peas to a woman , and that he 's be better off at sea after the mackerel than moping about at home and getting in the way of the womenfolk .
12 The Stormtex outer gives the jacket a fair amount of shower and wind protection ; excellent for hillwalking and hanging about at the bottom of climbs .
13 But , as she stretched out a hand to stroke the mare , Maldita moved even closer to Luke , flattening her ears and lashing out at Perdita protectively with a hind leg .
14 At home she was very difficult to manage being given to severe tantrums involving screaming , followed by breath holding , throwing objects , overturning furniture , vomiting deliberately and lashing out at anyone within reach .
15 I called out that we were ready , but there was no answer , and when I returned to the bedroom I found her lying back full length on the bed , her eyes open and gazing up at the ceiling with that same vacant stare .
16 Laura sighed , leaning back on the hard bench and gazing up at the overcast sky .
17 The gulls were in good voice , however , soaring and shrieking overhead in a fickle , shifting breeze , and Harry was surprised how contented if not downright happy he felt , sitting in the shelter nearest the clock and gazing out at the white horses in the bay .
18 Now he must go away and I dare say I shall never see him again , ’ Joan said woefully , lagging behind despite Anne 's grumbles and gazing down at the ring .
19 ‘ I have fished a poison-tongued mermaid from the sea , ’ he 'd grinned , straightening and gazing down at her as if inspecting her thoroughly for the first time .
20 One favourite came after a horrendous week of moon-lighting ( working during the day on a comedy , Exclusive Yarns , in Southampton and whizzing back at night for the musical , Wonderful Town ) .
21 The extent of the decline may be measured by the figures for live births : 832,000 in 1967 , 784,000 in 1970 , and levelling off at just over 600,000 in 1975 .
22 And in fact prices would seem now to be levelling off somewhat throughout the country , slowing down in the North and levelling off at the current levels in the South .
23 A pisteur outdid them on his day off by skiing the top section of the mountain nonstop all day and notching up at least 130,000 vertical .
24 She 'd got the job after being made redundant and signing on at the job centre .
25 We 'll make a hypothetical traverse from Easter Island on the East Pacific Rise ( an oceanic ridge , remember ) right across South America as far as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge , so we 'll be starting at one plate margin , crossing a second and ending up at a third , each of them , of course , marked by a major belt of seismic activity [ see Fig. 2 ] .
26 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
27 The electronics division of EMI was expected to continue to generate cash , initially at a higher level than the scanner operation and ending up at about the same amount .
28 They spent their time hiding behind low stone walls and leaping out at motorists travelling in bus lanes .
29 ‘ A case for galoshes , ’ remarked the Substitute , tossing a cigar end out of the jeep and looking around at the steam rising slowly from the wet earth .
30 I was on my third cup of coffee and looking around at the other coolies when I saw a familiar blue overcoat coming through the door from the street .
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