Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [prep] something " in BNC.

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1 Keeping the thumb in this position gives strength to the fist and prevents the thumb from sticking out or catching on something during a fight , and fracturing or breaking .
2 Apart from that , I have n't the least interest in whether you choose to kill yourself by falling from a great height , or crashing into something at high speed . ’
3 He felt like it was asking him a question or searching for something in his mind .
4 No , lust was n't ugly ; many of her friends ' affairs and marriages were founded on mutual lust and a few had stayed that way , neither foundering nor developing into something richer and more complex ; but for her it could never be enough , even in the context of a mere beginning , and , after the depressing end of the relationship in Wellington , she knew that even if it had been allied to liking or affection , it still would n't have been enough .
5 It claimed that people feel more in control of their lives if they are inching forward on a journey , rather than waiting for something to happen .
6 Perhaps it is the fault of the world in which we live , but people seem to have a great fear of failing , forgetting that failing at something does not mean that one is a ‘ failure ’ at life .
7 Nothing is more infuriating than reading about something that appeals to you , only to find out at the end that you are not eligible .
8 It is well-known that experience teaches far more effectively than talking about something .
9 Oppression lay on me like a dead beast , not gaunt and stiff-legged like the animals which lay where they had dropped along the desert road , but soft and smothering like something from which the breath had only just gone .
10 No and like they 're , like Mr was like taking the piss yeah right , everyone was clapping and cheering about something in the class , yeah , and Mr opens the Mr opens the door and goes stop that clapping , and shuts the door .
11 In these circumstances , it might well have modified its present adaptation to ground dwelling and nesting to something more appropriate to the more complex tundra environments that then existed .
12 It really was a quite extraordinary sight to see this giant Headmistress dangling the small boy high in the air and the boy spinning and twisting like something on the end of a string and shrieking his head off .
13 The new Lady Deverill was the centre of a group by the fireplace , smoking her habitual cigarette and laughing at something a handsome man by her side was saying .
14 His father Roy , 58 , said : ‘ All the lads were joking and laughing about something — then bang . ’
15 For a moment he paused at the threshold , but then turned back inside , taking in the sight of an ivory chess set , a small telescope , a number of small fluted carvings , and the fine hangings adorning the wall , observing everything with a cocked head as if listening for something .
16 The reader may be doomed to disappointment in reading through an article with wide contextual terms of reference if looking for something as simple as descriptions of works of art , their interpretation and evaluation .
17 They had waterskied , swooping round the northern end of Inch Island , making great arcs along the shore , as if looking for something .
18 The trainer sat up in his chair and looked about the table as if searching for something to throw at her .
19 Nicholson dismissed the warders , returning to the window for a moment as if searching for something out in the windswept yard .
20 The man was alone ; he looked alternately towards the house and then down , as if searching for something on the dashboard .
21 She looked into his eyes , as if searching for something in them ; her white face made the dark , heavy-browed eyes look lost and empty , and after a while he could not look into them anymore , and had to smile and look away .
22 If you are in the Manchester area and looking for something to do , the City Art Gallery in Mosley Street might be well worth a visit .
23 Watching him and waiting for something .
24 They all seemed to be watching us and waiting for something spectacular to take place .
25 Marian was deep in thought but what she was thinking about she hardly knew : only that there was distance and stillness all around her and that the forest seemed to be watching her , and waiting for something to happen .
26 They had stayed while the sun went down and all the time Tom had lain watching and waiting for something to happen — for something was bound to happen , otherwise for what reason had they come ?
27 However , she could not avoid it at The Tamarisks , for although Fru Møller offered a generous choice of hors d'œuvres and puddings she did not provide a choice of main course and Elisabeth would not have dreamt of placing herself at a disadvantage by drawing attention to her disability and pleading for something easier than steak to swallow .
28 He was wearing a tin helmet and staring at something on the wall , a picture .
29 Forewarned , and insisting on something cheaper , I was booked into The Hotel Olympik , a couple of miles from the centre , but still expensive .
30 He began walking towards it and she saw that he had one hand inside his jacket , as if reaching for something .
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