Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This group of people was recognised by the meeting in Tokyo over a year ago , and this is an issue that many people — both my friends and strangers that I come across in collecting or canvassing for Amnesty — ask me about .
2 Such an order can prohibit the cutting down , topping , or lopping of trees except with the consent of the local planning authority .
3 using last year 's bills as a guide if you still have a record of them ( try looking at old cheque book stubs ) , or trusting to memory , estimate how much you think you will have to pay in the coming year .
4 Suspicious documentation e.g. changes or alterations to estimates or invoices , same writing or typing on estimates or receipts as on claim form , no company logo on documentation .
5 This can take the form of assessing the situation or bringing into consideration other factors ( political climate , human values , competitors ' stance ) which can not easily be quantified .
6 Scarcely a day passes without us reading in the newspapers or seeing on television assaults , batteries , violent acts of all kinds .
7 These winds make Bitez our recommended centre for those keen on developing more advanced sailing skills — trapezing , strong wind sailing , bombing in Lasers or struggling with windsurfers .
8 Nutritional counselling aims not to prescribe yet another rigid diet but to guide the patient back to eating in a normal and relaxed way , with sufficient flexibility to adapt to various social settings such as going to a restaurant or eating with friends .
9 The BO4510 Palm Sander is the ideal tool for all those small awkward jobs involving sanding into tight corners or confined spaces , or sanding between staircase rail supports .
10 Those familiar with philosophical writing on causation , or touching on causation , will have noticed that our analysis so far of it has taken the terms necessary connection " , " nomic connection " , and " lawlike connection " as synonymous , but has made little reference to laws .
11 Their Neolithic context is confirmed by occurrences in the cairn of Cairnholy , south-west Scotland , in the causewayed enclosure at High Peak , Devonshire , and above all on the course of the Sweet timber trackway in the Somerset Levels dated in radiocarbon years to c. 3200 B.C. The absence of any trace of haft or binding under conditions exceptionally favourable for the survival of organic materials and the lack of the slightest sign of wear suggest that the jadeite celt was deposited as an unhafted and unused blade to fulfil a symbolic role .
12 The open day at the centre at St Catherine 's Hospital , Birkenhead , between 10am and 4pm , is aimed at people who have had a heart attack , are waiting for or recovering from surgery , or have a family history of heart disease .
13 William 's accession to the English throne marked a return to the attitude of hostility to France , and for almost all of the following 125 years England was either at war with France or preparing for war with France or recovering from war with France .
14 There is much vocal participation by all who are present , in singing and in giving testimonies or prophecies , as well as in speaking or singing in tongues .
15 or sticking on top of it er loosely er amendment
16 Management consultants These may be engaged for certain specific tasks such as evaluating the bid , developing a post acquisition stategy or helping with submissions to merger control authorities .
17 The ideal working dress would , therefore , be one in which you could reach up high to bring down the best china , bend down low to pick up the dropped toy , feel comfortable in for walking around the park and pushing a pram or playing ball , not worry about if baby food was deposited on it , move around in easily with a baby on your hip and cover up totally for rolling out pastry or helping with painting .
18 But in poor families , many youngsters spend Saturdays earning money or helping at home , which prevents them attending such classes .
19 A flash of sunlight , burning logs , an old psalm tune , fallen leaves , are part of his remembered world ; as are ballads , songs and dance rhythms , the sound of water sliding down window panes , or slapping against holes in the river bank .
20 A saving is one way of looking at it or profiting from education is another way , apparently what the Conservatives would wish to do , they wish to make people pay for education and there is no other way of looking at it .
21 With the literal meaning of writing or drawing about whores , it may be applied nowadays to practically anything which affects the senses and excites sexual associations .
22 These also involve processing within the brain but are slightly different from what is normally meant by thinking or drawing on memory and experience .
23 Although some could do this through using their savings or drawing on insurances , many could not , with women much less likely than men to be able to support themselves by these means ( Roebuck and Slaughter , 1979 ) .
24 This was the case in their technique of writing or drawing on photos , or photographing bits of reality , like J.A .
25 This was the case in their technique of writing or drawing on photos , or photographing bits of reality — like J. A. Boiffard 's telescopically enlarged shot of a big toe ( Le Gros Orteil ) — which seem primarily to be ( in this case phallic ) signifiers .
26 But there were children with the women here and there , subdued children eating chips or drawing on pieces of paper on the floor .
27 These , when I passed them , I saw to be sitting or kneeling beside cradles , rocking them , or singing , or gazing intently .
28 There are some delightful and newly published illustrations of them from manuscripts they made , peering out of initials which they are still painting , or kneeling in corners , or , in the case of Nicolaus Bertschi of Augsburg , apparently accepting a mug of beer from his wife Margaret .
29 And apart from certain specialised domains ( the lexicon of skateboarding or knitting for example ) you will also find few words whose source is a text written by somebody working class , or black , or for that matter female .
30 In entertaining , begging , or hawking at stations they were making shift to use the railway as an inadequate substitute .
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