Example sentences of "[conj] [v-ing] [pron] into " in BNC.

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1 Equally , however , it has been driven from within the organisation by reducing beds , shutting old hospitals , or transforming them into nursing homes , and concentrating high technology investment in a small number of centres , well equipped and well staffed .
2 At first it had been merely a matter of borrowing her mother 's scarves and veils , draping these around herself or twisting them into turbans and sashes .
3 Thus , in addition to the general process in which the market registers people 's choices and these feed back into selected or discontinued types of production , there is an evident pressure , at or before the point of production , to reduce costs : either by improving the technical means of reproduction , or by altering the nature of the work or pressing it into other forms .
4 This does not mean changing the character of the river , or turning it into a canal .
5 Getting him to eat was no problem , but preventing him throwing his food around or trampling it into the floor was .
6 The carer has to be involved in this process , so that every time the patient washes his face , hands or body , you help and remind him to do so correctly , without increasing his spasticity or putting himself into danger through careless movements .
7 ‘ It is rather like tackling a marathon without training or throwing yourself into a game of squash when you are out of condition .
8 What was interesting about that was that at the time John Brown got into financial difficulties the banks and institutional shareholders took a tough but very constructive view that it was worth helping the company through a reconstruction rather than forcing it into liquidation , which had been an attitude prevalent some years earlier .
9 Because making the material itself is a lot harder than turning it into a rudimentary bomb , it is the tight control of plutonium and uranium that has until now restricted the spread of nuclear weapons .
10 The Plant committee was expected to report to the Labour Party conference in the autumn , but Mr Kinnock denied that turning it into an official government commission was a delaying tactic .
11 He believed that it was a piece that people would want to go on seeing for years , and that turning it into a film would shorten its life .
12 Separating sheep from goats within a school was little better than separating them into different schools .
13 This is not necessarily an increase in your workload : drafting and redrafting allows lower-intensity and less stressful work than packing everything into a single and decisive act of composition .
14 Plasma etching and ion implantation techniques are then used to build up transistor structures , rather than diffusing them into the substrate material .
15 For three days before the unveiling ceremony , the cadets were on the site collecting stones from the hillside and cementing them into the cairn .
16 Taking her hand warmly in his and tucking it into his pocket , he ordered softly , ‘ Tell me about Elinor Browne with an ‘ E ’ . ’
17 It says Heron is considering extending the maturity of its debt and redesignating it into ‘ A ’ portions , where interest would continue to be paid , and ‘ B ’ portions , where it would be deferred .
18 tearing tin cans in half and lobbing them into the
19 I not only require total dependence , sabiha tieghi , ’ he teased , steering her back to the shadowy bed , and drawing her into his arms against the rumpled linen sheets .
20 Within south Korea policy should be aimed at consolidating democratic groups and drawing them into the military administration .
21 It is not necessarily a soft option to tame wild animals , for to do so involves understanding their nature , being at one with it and drawing it into new forms of behaviour .
22 Another 6 p.c. is being sold by the Commonwealth Development Corporation , giving the Chinese a 15 p.c. interest and binding them into partnership with P&O and other shipping lines such as the Danish Maersk .
23 The Gospels present us with a picture of Jesus of Nazareth searching out those left on the edge , and bringing them into the heart of God 's kingdom .
24 He has n't redeemed and restored back to what we were , but he 's gone way , way beyond that , in making us his children and bringing us into a very special relationship with himself .
25 At the same time , before and beyond nature in infinity , he was creator carrying everything within himself in his thought and bringing it into being by his spoken word .
26 Nurse Bodkin bustled over to her and put her arm around her shoulder , making soothing noises and easing her into a sitting position on the bed .
27 And to her amazement Nails got up without a word , dived into the pool , came up alongside Hoomey and started correcting his stroke , bawling into his ear and galvanizing him into twice the effort .
28 I remembered the time Andy and I had let down all the wheels of his dad 's car , folding matches in half and sticking them into the tyre valves .
29 You can easily make the curls by twisting gold gift tie and sticking it into the cake .
30 Whereas in management I take the raw clay of inexperience , then shape and mould it into a team of teapots , Vic had an old-fashioned approach , plucking players with natural ability and building them into a cohesive unit but where no player 's unique , individual flair was stifled .
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