Example sentences of "[conj] [num] woman [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 MORE THAN 10,000 women who work for the Regional Council have received a cervical smear test since 1988 , and the Women 's Unit has played a major part in that achievement .
2 The Jang newspaper reported that two women who escaped said they were raped and men were tortured in the jail in Nawabkot , about 125 miles north-east of Karachi .
3 Although it shows that there are a few peers who work hard to correct society 's injustices , the overwhelming impression is of pomp , ceremony , delicious teas and gentle relaxation at an exclusive club peopled by men and 77 women who are already among the most privileged in our society .
4 Last night police were still questioning the other three men and one woman who were arrested at the site .
5 The study population consisted of 11 men and 16 women who were not pregnant with a mean age of 41 ( range 21 to 70 ) .
6 The two men and two women -who have not been named — were in a VW Scirocco which smashed into a wall in Normanton , West Yorks .
7 Earlier , the Maltese government 's 50th anniversary George Cross medal was presented by the President , Dr Censu Tabone , to 148 men and two women who served in Malta during the 1939–45 War .
8 Meade cites the membership of the ‘ little company of four men and four women who , in 1379 , could afford to provide only a candle to burn during the daily mass at the church of St Nicholas , Great Yarmouth ’ .
9 But one woman who should have been there could n't attend the ceremony — because she 's been under house arrest for the past four years .
10 When twelve women who professed to be virgins were found , only two would swear an oath to that effect , but the executors decided to take the women 's word for it .
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