Example sentences of "[conj] [det] 's because " in BNC.

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31 It may seem over the top , but that 's because such things seem so much more terrible to a child . ’
32 I admit it sounds like a lot ; but that 's because everybody thinks of what they could do with it if it ended up in their bank account .
33 But that 's because they have them twenty-four hours a day .
34 Screamingly conspicuous by their absence are Godflesh , but that 's because Pitch Shifter make the pack , snorting and growling , attempting to disguise the fact they 're pussycats underneath it all .
35 Much more happily she went on : ‘ But that 's because I 'm not as sensible as she is — or as kind , or … . ’
36 On the whole , DOS spreadsheets perform faster and need less in the way of resources to work properly — but that 's because they do n't do very much with those resources until you start to use the graphics facilities they offer .
37 ‘ Graphic designers are often asked to do a great deal in a comparatively short space of time , ’ acknowledges Peter Brigg , ‘ but that 's because there 's often no substitute for the printed document .
38 Film stars make terrible mothers , but that 's because they do n't know how to behave . ’
39 But that 's because I 'm used to Edgar and Isabella , who are always so clean and tidy .
40 ‘ I mean that we go back a long way , and yes , there 's a very special relationship between us , but that 's because … ’ another pause , and he raked his fingers through his hair in a helpless , frustrated gesture ‘ … it was her sister I fell in love with all those years ago . ’
41 But that 's because I act bored .
42 But that 's because he does n't know me , ’ she said calmly .
43 His wife thinks he 's sexy , but that 's because she does n't have to live with him , he says .
44 I mean , for instance , in my dreams er cars have taken on a very distinct personal symbolism that has really nothing to do with what you might think , because of personal experiences of mine , and I now know that whenever I dream about cars it always always has this but that 's because of something that happened to me and because of my personal erm kind of experiences , so cars have become a dream symbol .
45 Erm , I d I certainly can see the commercial success of a new settlement in the south east of York , or south west of York , but that 's because it would be attracting commuters from West Yorkshire .
46 It does but that 's because it 's like a huge atom bomb flowing hydrogen all the time .
47 It 's not easy but that 's because the fox is not supposed to be captured .
48 That cost nine hundred pounds to make but that 's because it was the original .
49 The only thing she offers is sort of help with Peter but that 's because she wants Peter .
50 But that 's because
51 But that 's because , because they 're stupid !
52 and that 's a bargain , and se you know these reps would come round selling this that and the other and if , you could only see samples after , would n't touch it with a barge pole like you know , yeah I 'll have that , that 's all but that 's because he had a good grounding
53 But sorry I ca n't show you any sort of programme , or anything , but that 's because it 's
54 Now , I do n't know whether that 's because i in your house there is n't a husband or a partner , or whether it did n't occur to you to say we , whether you always think of it as I or whether he 's out winning bread or you know , wha whatever it is , but
55 Whether they , they feel , they feel better and whether that 's because the nurses have done a good job or not .
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