Example sentences of "[conj] [det] thing [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Not someone or some thing using his poor little body to give us a dreadful warning .
2 The hyperconscious Double Act in which Svidrigailov 's terminal boredom plays opposite the greedy , theoretical self-assertion of Raskolnikov 's wanting ‘ something more ’ than ‘ mere existence ’ , becomes grounded in suicide and murder ; and the Petersburg where these things happen gains a fuzzy-edged documentary aspect which never comes anywhere near dominating the novel , but which is there .
3 It is the place where she grew up and where many things have remained unchanged .
4 The video camera 's objective eye records an activity where several things happen at once : the interviewer is talking , responding , assessing , deciding which topic to introduce next ; the interviewee is interpreting , responding , reacting to the situation and so on .
5 However , his view that each thing has an essence and that all its active behaviour is to be explained by its inbuilt conatus or striving to preserve its own essence has a strong Aristotelian flavour .
6 It is a complacent researcher indeed who does not look back on the research findings and wish that some things had been done better .
7 A man called Joffe observed , about 1928 , that some things got stronger when they were wet .
8 At Key Stage 2 this process will be developed further , for example by looking far more closely at aspects of change , and tracing out the way that some things changed .
9 But , as a sign that some things do not change , Lord McAlpine , former Conservative Party treasurer , is expected to host a small party for friends , many connected with the ancien regime around Mrs Thatcher .
10 They know that some things happen after other things .
11 Now it seems that some things work , especially those like the AEC that are associated with what has come to be described as the problem-focused/task-centred approach ( Roberts , 1990 ) .
12 You might say that this thing had been brewing up for a long time , that the threat was there ; they had n't seen it .
13 She felt sickened and saddened beyond words and , for the first time , she wished that this thing had not happened to her .
14 But , at that stage , the only thing that prevented me from saying , ‘ oh well , I 'll go and find a regular job instead , ’ was that I was aware that this thing existed — racialism — and that whatever happened , getting away from it , getting out of the firing line , would n't help me .
15 ‘ It 's amazing how many people who , when you catch them with their trousers down and take a formal sample , will say , ‘ It 's been beautiful for the last two years and just this , just yesterday that this thing went wrong and your chap happened to come . ’
16 As Timberlake and his colleagues put it in this brief but incisive review , greens ‘ suggest that this thing called the environment is a sacred garden set aside from human activities . ’
17 The defensive manoeuvre behind it is something like this : if I do n't acknowledge that this thing has happened then I do n't have to believe it is true ; I wo n't have to understand what has occurred if I hold off from consciously realizing that it has happened .
18 And I kept telling him , yeah , Oliver , but the day that , you know , some Nicaraguan unity group appears and it 's evident that it 's got everybody in it … that 's the day I 'll begin to believe that this thing has a future .
19 It 's unfortunate that such things serve to bring you to your senses and make you realise that of course it 's dangerous .
20 The disaster was all the more stunning because people had come to assume that such things did n't happen .
21 But it 's incredible to think that such things happened in them days is n't it really ?
22 A few Atlanticists , as one might term the doubters , decline to recognize or admit that such things exist .
23 The Egyptian Tale of Two Brothers narrates similar incidents to those in this chapter — underlining the unfortunate fact that such things do happen .
24 I need to see this action as one step — even if we lose it will perhaps serve to show the nation how far it has fallen , that it no longer is concerned that such things happen in its midst .
25 They were generous country girls who accept that such things happen .
26 People realise that these things come along and you have to look at them ’ — CRAIG INNES ( former All Black centre ) on his signing for Leeds RLFC .
27 So I think , of course , it was right and proper that these things came to Cabinet .
28 I did n't even realise that these things took place or that these bands existed in Limerick . ’
29 Appendix A reports a European Councillor of Directive , ninety-three stroke one-oh-four stroke E C. Which erm , is being challenged , or would like to be challenged by the U K including European Court of Justice erm , and that will be heard in the timescale that these things take place .
30 One does not wish to appear in the role of kill-joy or pedant , but it really is true that these things lose their value enormously when they are used too much .
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