Example sentences of "[conj] [det] be more " in BNC.

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1 If dew-claws prove troublesome in other dogs , you can have them removed by your vet , although this is more of a major operation when carried out at this late stage than in early puppyhood .
2 It was suggested that this is more of a risk in small , rural communities where anonymity is practically impossible , and where the care programme approach might ‘ label ’ clients of mental health services .
3 The German officer , who thought that this was more abuse , shouted back .
4 Er and , and having established the measurement of combined with the time , er people seemed to accept the fact that this was more you know , scientific .
5 I think the atmosphere is certainly lost and the environment is different today without the patients , and their attitude was that this was more like a family than a hospital ward and they were treated as family .
6 Moreover , under section 245 of the Code , bodily harm includes any hurt or injury that interferes with the health or comfort of the complainant and that is more than merely transient or trifling in nature .
7 Aye , and I have all me hair and most of me teeth and that 's more than many men ten years younger can boast of ! ’
8 This new record has got five original songs on it and that 's more than usual .
9 " You 've got some weight coming and that 's more than I shall ever have . "
10 ‘ He knows what he wants , and that 's more than most folk do . ’
11 There is also the case for state financing , which is the position of the Party but for the foreseeable future the Labour Party will need trades union money , and as Steve said even our fiercest critics have to admit that the money the union gives to the Party is open and above board and that 's more than can be said of the money that 's used to finance the Conservative Party .
12 The paper circulated demonstrates that since eighty-eight nine through to ninety-three four , whereas county council spending as a whole has gone up by thirty-eight percent , spending on the police has gone up by eighty-eight percent , and that 's more than double .
13 Heathrow has also put pressure on small jets that go to Heathrow by raising their landing fee charges , and that 's more against .
14 And that 's more space than a lot of people would like .
15 The only concrete information I had , and that was more sand than cement , was from Froggy Davies 's sister .
16 It was only much later that it hit me and that was more shock than something could happen again . ’
17 And this is more than can be said for the majority of other books which have exploited the same theme : that of man battling away , amid ignorance and fear , against some novel , lethal , unknown microorganism .
18 And this is more than just drinkable , it is an enormous , fruit-packed wine , smelling sublimely of ripe blackcurrants .
19 The second courtesy is to respect the land you are on and this is more than mere observance of the country code .
20 but even they had a problem and this is more deeper more philosophical , but I mean I , I really feel that sweep out the streets , something has gone badly wrong and , and that an effect not just to those individuals , but greater fabric .
21 But the Left did at least sense that Fascism presented an imminent threat to Britain and this is more than can be said for some of those holding the responsibility for Britain 's foreign policy and ultimate defence .
22 And this is more than the ambition with which I began , and more than my son 's inheritance .
23 But that 's more to do with health than weight .
24 But that 's more of a turn-on to me .
25 Only my pride would be hurt , of course , but that 's more than enough .
26 Only where deep undulations coincide with a bend is there a hint of diagonal pitching , but this is more of an observation than a criticism .
27 There are not side effects with specially prepared colour foods , except that any white areas on the fish may turn pink if the amount of additive is excessive , but this is more of a problem with Koi than with tropicals .
28 But this is more than offset by growth in sales of products like fish oil and evening primrose oil , where sales increases are of the order of 20% . ’
29 But this is more than just a taste of the past .
30 But this was more
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