Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] not go " in BNC.

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1 Papers looked like this because the ones that did not went bust .
2 He and Pam had taken off on the very day the fair ended — a fact that did not go unnoticed by the locals .
3 Jasper sensed some of this and vowed not to go along with it in the sheeplike fashion of the others .
4 We will never know how that would develop because community charge has been abolished but anyway You will note of course as well that last year in nineteen ninety one , the Conservative Party managers looked at the local election result and decided not to go in June ninety one , cos they figured they would get beaten .
5 I forgot about the danger and decided not to go home .
6 And er the fact that she 's obviously gone on without it was awful , when she was pregnant the second time round she did n't make a big thing of being pregnant but you could tell she was pregnant but I never quite liked to say to her just in case they had the amnio amnio whatever it is and decided not to go
7 The life of the University both did and did not go on .
8 I can not understand why , after arriving at Kinghorn , he refused to wait up for his royal master and did not go looking for the King .
9 She was slightly agoraphobic and did not go far from home on her own .
10 He lost his job and did not go begging to the DSS and when he earned a massive salary he paid massive taxes , he reasons .
11 Even if the government neglected to veto legislation of this sort , the Westminster Parliament could in theory pass laws to repeal colonial legislation , but in practice Parliament did not legislate on issues that could be seen as internal concerns of the colonies and did not go round picking up loose ends left by the governors .
12 But although she could no longer see anything , she could swear that the star stopped on the edge of the hole and did not go in !
13 in the Davis Straits whale fishery ; he had little success and did not go again .
14 There was a small flat above the laboratory , where I lived , and sometimes I stayed inside the building for a week and did not go out .
15 Easthope believes that the modernist concept of ‘ impersonality ’ , later systematized in the New Criticism , and theorized by Wimsatt and Beardsley in their famous essay ‘ The Intentional Fallacy ’ , was on the right lines , but did not go far enough , as the author was not really banished .
16 It was delivered but did not go .
17 He told police that shortly before 6pm on Monday he spotted them sunbathing naked , but did not go near .
18 In that particular case the judges pronounced in general on the right of free speech , but did not go so far as to appoint experts to ascertain whether the accused was right in his criticism or not ( see The Art Newspaper No.14 , January 1992 , p.1 ) .
19 Tongues of the holy spirit of the woods , that trembled but did not go out .
20 He went the long way home , but did not go down the little gang plank to the barge of a friend of his — a woman who kept ten or so cats on board and brewed some awful drink out of peaches .
21 These migrants differed in some important respects from the 46% of applicants who were non–enrollers , ( those who applied to a particular institution but did not go on to enrol anywhere ) .
22 This is because the revolution in East Germany after 1945 changed the structures of power and ownership — but did not go on to change the structure of social relationships .
23 Mallachy coloured , but did not go red .
24 The inquest was told Sarah left her digs in early December but did not go to her home .
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