Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] give them " in BNC.

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1 He was by no means unusual for his place and time : there were not a few London families in the mid-19th century who were busy accumulating all the paraphernalia that seemed to give them a gilt-edged claim to middle-class respectability — the portraits , the studio photographs , a family bible , ornate gravestones , even the odd crest and Latin motto .
2 It had been Mme Guérigny 's and Montaine 's intimacy with the creatures of the forest that had given them the idea of hiding their deserter in the cave .
3 So it seems to me that you can not do analysis in a group because by definition the ego of a person in a group is , is detracted from , whereas in individual psychoanalysis and ideally the ego of the person is added to and enlarged to give them more competence by being made to face up to its repressions .
4 Detinue lay where a man was in possession of another 's goods and refused to give them up but could it be said that such a mere refusal was a positive act ?
5 The selectors could also have changed their top order , but decided to give them all another chance .
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