Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] it [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then maybe you were supposed to cry over milk , because it helped preserve it , or made it easier to turn into cheese .
2 At least , I was grateful enough to send them a copy of the thesis , but there is no evidence that they read it or found it useful .
3 If you 've ever drilled into a water pipe or found it difficult to get a good fixing on a wall , you need a Rapitest Wire , Pipe & Stud Detector .
4 He did not believe that Rose , if she had come back into the flat , would have let the cat out , or left it unfed .
5 There is none of that apparently aimless wandering in short stretches , punctuated by frequent bends , going halfway round the compass to reach the next hamlet or village , which characterises the byroads in country that has never been in open field or left it several centuries ago .
6 It was this that made it possible for the whole of the cuckoo 's breeding cycle to be filmed , resulting in an early classic of wildlife photography , The Cuckoo 's Secret .
7 The main reason for the flow of emigrants was the farm crisis in Europe , and the circumstance that made it possible was the availability of cheap steamers .
8 In fact there was no paradox , for it was the theoretical assumption that speech and writing were fulfilling the same functions and the inability to recognise their separate characters that made it possible to use one as the model for the other .
9 The firmness of it — that made it possible .
10 I provided the calm , the cleanliness , the order and nourish-ment that made it possible for him to work .
11 Perhaps it was this , the fact that she now had someone else to love her , that made it possible for me to make a proper apology , to stutter out confusedly , red-faced , that I was sorry about what had happened .
12 A ramp that made it possible for a disabled woman to get in and out of her home has been demolished by the local council .
13 Mansell , who 's got his season off to a better start than anyone in history , described it as the happiest day of his life , but was first to acknowledge all the hard graft back in Didcot that made it possible .
14 Like Unix , it started life as a development environment , and like Unix , it had intrinsic features that made it unsuitable as a production operating system .
15 It was Stok that made it dangerous by sending that cavalry patrol to pick them up . ’
16 M. Lheureux plies Emma with a foretaste of false comfort : he tells her consoling stories of lost dogs which have returned to their masters despite great distances ; why , there was even one that made it all the way back to Paris from Constantinople .
17 This was a truly superb feeling and we received some good compliments , that made it all worthwhile .
18 More than 400 plants using the technology were licensed and again it was ICI-developed catalysts that made it all possible .
19 Only last year the four-star Tiroler Adler underwent an extensive renovation that made it one of the best hotels in Kirchberg .
20 In part it came about as a reaction to the inordinate complexity of S-R theory but , I believe , it had much more to do with S-R theory 's failure to cope with real psychological problems like the performance of radar operators , and with the availability of machines , computers , with mind-like properties that made it respectable to think in mentalistic terms again .
21 It is the things I liked about it at first , that made it immediate , that I do n't like now .
22 ‘ It was basically the novel that made it necessary for me to look into the Bible .
23 The Treatises supported such arguments , and it was his having , and being suspected by the government of having , such seditious views that made it necessary for Locke to flee to Holland in 1683 .
24 I thank the Secretary of State for his statement , and I bitterly regret the circumstances that made it necessary .
25 We knew what lay down any other road : a political scandal that made it worthwhile for Parliament to get involved in Security .
26 But there was something about Doyle 's voice that made it impossible to interrupt .
27 In the past I 'd behaved in a way that made it impossible for women to stay with me — for instance , I 'd cut off emotionally , or refuse to have sex , or start seeing other women .
28 ( If so , I thought that was just the problem that made it impossible to use Rocky … )
29 It was the dark Raybans that made it impossible to tell what he was thinking .
30 Last night Mr Portillo said the phrase ‘ full compensation ’ was meaningless because people lived in different homes in different circumstances and that there were too many variable factors that made it impossible to give a specific figure at present .
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