Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [coord] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 During that time dividends were cut or passed and there were plenty of closures and redundancies , but spending on R&D and on capital investment was maintained .
2 There must always be a judgment whether the action is tried or settled and there are detailed provisions for the retention of documents by the court .
3 For police warrants , normal methods of investigation must have been tried and failed and there must have been good reason to believe that interception would result in a conviction .
4 Important missing scenes have been found and inserted and there is a new score from Carl Davis .
5 ‘ Normally , I would shoot through anything — but that day it rained and rained and there was nothing to be done about it , ’ Gerald says .
6 Everything had been cleaned and tidied and there were no stains on the polished floor to show where his life had pumped out .
7 ‘ The portico was cleaned and repainted and there was substantial refurbishment of the clock tower .
8 Then he turned around and looked and there was a shop cabinet .
9 Nine o'clock came and went and there was no sign of him .
10 They also knew that Lawrence was a and knew and there 's one final piece of information members of the jury , that which the police knew .
11 The legal status of shares is well established and understood and there are specific conditions which have to be satisfied if any payment is made in respect of them .
12 So we went and had and there was a little space , you know normal bit bigger than average and a little hooked thing and it opened up and down came some steps and we went up with trepidation I must say .
13 yeah all the frame work was sixty six , all morticed and tenoned and dowelled and there were
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